INCLIVA, in its commitment to quality, scientific and management excellence, has structured the activities of all its strategic areas based on nationally and internationally recognised quality management models.

It currently holds the following accreditations and certifications.

Accreditation as a Biomedical Research Institute ISCIII

In 2011 INCLIVA received accreditation as a Biomedical Research Institute in compliance with the requirements established by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII). This accreditation has been renewed in 2014, 2018 and 2021 and represents:

  • The implementation of policies, processes and standards of recognised national and international prestige in the design, execution and management of research, in terms of research staff, research methodology, scientific quality and institutional governance.
  • The integration of care, research and training/ teaching in a high quality and competitive environment.
  • Translating research results into clinical practice.

To learn more about this accreditation, click here.

ISO 9001:2015 certificates for Quality Management Systems

INCLIVA has several quality management systems certified under the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 standard. Its presence in an organisation aims to ensure its customer approach, while having internal controls directed at meeting the requirements of the products or services it generates

Management structure (scientific management and economic management) AENOR IQNet Quality Policy Programme map
Biobank AENOR IQnet Quality Policy Programme map
Clinical Trials and Clinical Studies Unit- UICEC AENOR IQNet Quality Policy Programme map
Clinical research unit STAGE I oncological AENOR IQNet Quality Policy Programme map
Precision Medecine Unit AENOR IQNet Quality Policy Programme map
Ethics Committe for Research with Medical products (CEIm) AENOR IQNet Quality Policy Programme map
Technical and scientific research support services: bioinformatics, biostatistics and high-performance liquid chromatology AENOR IQNet Quality Policy Programme map

The ISO 9001 quality management system is the most widely used set of management tools internationally. It promotes the permanent management of the different elements directly involved in the products and services of each unit implicated. Thus, staff, equipment, working methods and information flows are defined and controlled.

Clinical processes with 15189 methodologies

INCLIVA is in the process of developing the ISO 15189 methodology in the following clinical processes

Reach Certificate Service portfolio Contact
Precision Medicine Unit Soon Soon

Pathology Anatomy Laboratory Soon Soon

Hematology Laboratory Soon Soon

You can consult the quality policy applicable to the above processes by clicking on the following link

For any complaint and suggestions, you can contact to

To present these services on the sequency area (genetic data processing), the need to obtain the patient’s informed consent for each process, prior to making the request, is emphasized.

Human Resources Strategy for Research Accreditation –HRS4R

The European Commission Seal of Excellence in Human Resources has accredited INCLIVAS’s compliance with general principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of researchers through its polices, practices and procedures.

This recognition provides INCLIVA with international visibility and competitiveness by providing research staff a favourable working environment that guarantees equal opportunities, ethical integrity and working-life balance.

INCLIVA has this recognition since 2018.

To learn more about this seal, click here.

Good Clinical Research Practice accreditation

The clinical trials and experimental therapies unit of the oncology service represents a significant volume of the studies managed by INCLIVA. Since 2018 it has been accredited for Good Clinical Practices, being the first unit to receive this accreditation by the Conselleria de Sanitat de la Generalitat Valenciana (regional ministry of the government of the Valencian Community with competences in health matters).

Rafael Barajas Cenobio
Phone: 961 62 89 47
Extension: 628947
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