Research and innovation contribute to the progress of our society by improving our lives. In order to ensure that science responds to societal challenges and people’s needs, a Europe- wide approach called Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has emerged.
Research and innovation based on the RRI implies all the participants (from research community to Institutions and Governments) through inclusive and participative methodologies, on all the phases of research and innovation processes, and all the levels of governance levels (from the establishment of the agenda to the design, implementation and evaluation).
The RRI is based on these six principles:
INCLIVA has adopted the RRI approach in its research and innovation. To this end, it is carrying out the following actions and activities for each of the six principles:
Citizen participation
- INCAVA initiative for the creation of synergies between R&D&I health and biomedical of the agricultural sector to improve people’s health
- I Encounter with INCLIVA’s donors
- Project ‘Citizen science in practice: prevalence, modes and background of public participation in health research (CITI-SCIENCE)’, funded by the National R&D&I Plan, Ministry of Science and Innovation (2023-2026)
Gender Equality
- II Equality Plan of the INCLIVA Foundation
- Adhesion to the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
- Female Leadership Program
- Creation of the Women’s Network for Health Research
- Protocol for the prevention, detection and action in situations of harassment and other conflicts or situations of workplace violence
- Non-sexist language guide
- I LGTBI Diversity Plan
Open Access
Scientific education
- Open house
- Dissemination science activities: Research European Night, Science and Beer, etc.
More information: RRI Tools