To shine eternally and to keep your solidarity alive.

Para brillar eternamente y que permanezca viva tu solidaridad.
Solidarity will
Solidarity knows no bounds, and there are even people who continue to show solidarity when they reach the end of their lives. When making their wills, in addition to thinking of their family and loved ones, they leave part of their estate to INCLIVA or even designated us as their universal heirs. Their legacy is to gift life and hope to people suffering from diseases for which there is still no medical solution.
People who shine forever
They are people who have experienced first-hand, or through a close loved one, the suffering and helplessness of a disease with no solution, people who trust our work and believe that a better future is possible thanks to medical research. In all cases they are people who carry solidarity in their DNA, with deep values and a great commitment to society. Our thanks and gratitude to all of them: with the solidarity will in favour of INCLIVA, the light of their solidarity will always be alive.
How can I make a solidarity will?
Making a will is a transcendental moment as it involves deciding the destiny of our assets when we are no longer alive. At the same time, it is the best way to organise our wishes and wills. Although it can be changed at any time, it is a good idea to think it through carefully and determine what is to be willed to the different heirs.
Decide who your heirs are going to be and what you want to leave to each of them, respecting the limits established by law. Find out more and ask us any questions you may have.
To formalize your wishes, you must go to the notary, where your will, will be drawn up. Our official name is Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico de la Comunitat Valenciana (FUNDACIÓN INCLIVA) with CIF: G-96886080. Before signing it, check it is perfectly in accordance with your will.
If you have included INCLIVA in your will, either specific assets, as co-heir or universal heir, please inform us and send us a copy.
Contact with us
If you have any questions along the process, you can contact us for information, without any commitment. You can call us by phone at 961 973 541 or 961 973 517 asking for Maite Sáenz or by e-mail secretariageneral@incliva.es
Types of solidarity wills
Depending on your circumstances, and considering your loved ones, you decide how you collaborate with INCLIVA. You can contribute to medical research by leaving a part of your saving, a piece of jewellery or artwork, a house, shares or even your entire estate if you have no forced heirs.
All contributions are important. Any contribution, regardless of the amount, helps to build a future of health and hope for millions of people.
Specific inheritance
You can specify in your will which property or specific asset you want to leave to INCLIVA to be used for medical research.
You can designate more than one person or entity as your heirs, indicating the percentage that you destine to each of them within the limits established by law (the one-third of the legitimate, the one-third of improvement and the one-third of free disposition).
Universal heirs
When there are no forced heirs, you can designate INCLIVA as universal heir and leave your entire estate for medical research. Remember that in this case, if you have not drafted a will, the law designates the State as universal heir by default.