
INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute manages the clinical studies (trials, observational studies, and research projects) carried out by the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and the Valencia Clinic – Malvarrosa Health Department researchers.

Clinical Studies 2021

As a result of its activity along 2021, the INCLIVA has managed a total of 211 studies (clinical trials and observational studies).

The following table shows the number of clinical trials and other studies according to their phase and department.

Department Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Others Observational  TOTAL
Cardiology 2 6 1 2 12 23
Digestive Medicine 5 2 1 7 15
Haematology 3 3 9 5 20
Internal Medicine 2 2
Nephrology 4 5 3 12
Neurology 4 4
Oncology 20 36 30 7 93
Others 1 6 9 2 1 23 42
TOTAL 24 56 67 3 4 57 211

The following table shows the distribution of the trials presented in 2021 according to the type of promoter

Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and INCLIVA researchers 3
Independent Clinical Research 67
Comercial Research 141
Activity during last 5 years

The table below shows the number of studies processed yearly, during 2021 the number of processed studies has increase upper two hundred.

Year Processed studies
2017 143
2018 172
2019 159
2020 206
2021 211

Ongoing studies

During 2021, 579 studies have been active. The tables show distribution of clinical trials per department and by development phase

Anaesthesia and Reanimation 20
Cardiology 63
Digestive Medicine 38
Endocrinology 8
General Surgery 5
Gynaecology and Obstetrics 8
Haematology 85
Infectious Diseases Unit 7
Internal Medicine 8
Medical Oncology 209
Nephrology 23
Neurology 35
Paediatrics 6
Pharmacy 6
Primary Health Care 1
Respiratory Diseases 10
Urology 5
Others 42
Phase I 64
Phase II 124
Phase III 210
Phase IV 30
Observational 139
Others 12
Site Suitability
Telephone: 961 97 39 77

Telephone: 961 97 39 76