Regulated in articles 4–17 of the Statutes of the Foundation, the Board of Trustees is the governing body of INCLIVA, chaired by the Regional Minister for Health of the Valencian Government.

The Board of Trustees is a collegiate governing body in which, in addition to the entities that make up the Research Institute, such as the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València, the University of Valencia and the Carlos Simón Foundation, representative entities and individuals from Valencian society are present.

Its current composition is as follows:


Dr. Marciano Gómez Gómez, Regional Minister for Health of the Valencian Government

Vice Presidency

Dr. Álvaro Bonet, Managing Director of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and the Valencia Clinical-Malvarrosa Health Department

Members by position held

Prof. María Vicenta Mestre, Magnificient Rector of the University of Valencia
Prof. Amparo Ruíz Saurí, Distinguished Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia
Ms. Àngela Pérez Pérez , President of the Social Council of the University of Valencia
Prof. Juan Viña Ribes, President of the Cañada Blanch Foundation
Mr. Rafael Alcón, President of the Bancaja Foundation
Mr. José Bernardo Noblejas, representing the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Navigation of Valencia.
Ms. Mariola Penadés Fons, General Director of Research and Innovation High Health Inspection of the Regional Ministry for Health of the Valencian Government.
Mr. Bernardo Valdivieso Martinez, Autonomous Secretary for Efficiency and Health Technology of the Regional Ministry for Health of the Valencian Government.
Ms. Núria Vizcarro Boix, representing the Valencian Council of Culture
Prof. Carlos Simón Vallés, President of the Carlos Simón Foundation
Dr. Rubén Ventura, representing the FERO Foundation
Ms. Almudena Amaya Rubio, representative of FEDER, Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases.


Board members under own name

Mr. Carlos Pascual de Miguel
Mr. Joaquín Ortega Serrano
Mr. Tomás Trenor Puig
Prof. Ana Lluch Hernández
Prof. Ángela Nieto Toledano

Members without vote

Mr. Vicente de Juan Martín, Managing Director of INCLIVA
Prof. Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez, Scientific Director of INCLIVA
Mr. Manuel Ricardo Delgado Rodríguez, Secretary