Scientific Direction, Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez

Appointed by the Board of Trustees on the proposal of the Governing Board, its functions are set out in article 25 of the Statutes.
Ultimately responsible for implementing and coordinating the entity’s scientific policy as determined by the highest governing body.
Serves as an ex officio member of the Governing Board and president of the Internal Scientific Committee following the guidelines issued by the governing bodies.
The General Directorate fulfils the role of Scientific Directorate.


As set out in the statutes, its functions are to:

1. Formulate action proposals in line with the centre’s scientific, teaching and research policy to the Governing Board, contingent upon Internal Scientific Committee reports, and implement the agreements adopted by the Board of Trustees for this purpose.
2. Prepare strategic action plans for submission to the Plenary of the Board of Trustees and oversee their implementation.
3. Participate in preparation of Action Plans and Budgets.
4. Inform the Board of scientific projects results.
5. Prepare the draft of the scientific activity annual report.
6. Exercise the power to request any type of paper or digital certificate from the Foundation for all public administration bodies and/or any type of public or private organization or entity.
7. Attend Governing Board meetings.
8. Attend Board of Trustee meetings as a member without vote.
9. Represent the foundation in the absence of the President, First Vice President or Director General.
10. Any other function entrusted to it by the Board of Trustees or its President.


Prof. Andrés Cervantes is the Scientific Director of INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute, where he also coordinates the Cancer Research Area. He leads the Medical Oncology Department at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and is Professor of Medicine at the University of Valencia.

His research is focused on gastrointestinal tumors and developing innovative cancer treatments. His latest studies address the role of liquid biopsy as a tool for precision medicine in Oncology. He conceives research as a service to society, in that by improving our understanding of and looking for potential solutions to health issues we can guarantee a better future.

He is currently participating in research projects funded by the national Carlos III Health Institute, the Ministry of Health and the European Union, as well as by other public and private entities.

He is particularly involved in training new oncologists and young clinical researchers to facilitate the connection between science and knowledge in health care. He has supervised more than 15 doctoral PhD theses and is an author of more than 550 scientific publications in international indexed journals. He has been included in the Clarivate Analytics list of most cited researchers of the year 2021.

He is the leading author of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Advanced Colorectal Cancer (2022) of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and co-author of the Oesophageal Cancer Guidelines. He is also editor-in-chief of Cancer Treatment Reviews and an associate editor of Annals of Oncology.

He has been elected 2023-2024 President of ESMO, a global society that brings together more than 27,000 oncology professionals from around the world. Its areas of action are educating healthcare professionals, disseminating scientific knowledge among members and promoting public policies that facilitate the equity and sustainability of cancer treatment in Europe and worldwide.

Contact details
Telephone: 961 97 3517