Ageing and Associated Diseases
– Determination of oxidative stress and inflammation parameters associated with healthy aging, frailty, and age-associated diseases
– Determination of genetic biomarkers (microRNAs, mRNAs,and SNPs) associated with healthy aging, frailty, and age-associated diseases
– Determination of epigenetic biomarkers associated with healthy aging, frailty, and age-associated diseases
– Determination of metabolomic biomarkers associated with healthy aging, frailty, and age-associated diseases
– Protocols of physical exercise and other healthy life interventions for the treatment and prevention of frailty
Research Lines
– Biomarkers of aging
– Mechanisms of aging with special attention to exceptional aging: centenarians
– Healthy aging: frailty and prevention of disability
– Intervention for successful aging: physical exercise, nutrition, molecular interventions (extracellular vesicles)
– Age-associated diseases: cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases
– Mitochondrial implications in age-associated frailty
– Skeletal muscle repair, exercise, frailty, and sarcopenia
– Regenerative medicine in aging and age-associated diseases
Clinical Groups
Research Group on the Study of Cardiometabolic and Renal Risk (Dr. Josep Redón i Mas)
Cardiometabolic Research Group on Primary Care (Dr. Jorge Navarro Pérez)
Research Group on Clinical Cardiology (Dr. Juan Sanchis Forés)
Research Group in Care. INVESTENF-INCLIVA (Dra. Mª José Gastaldo Zaragozá)
Research Group on Women Health (Dr. Antonio Cano Sánchez)
Experimental Groups
Research Group on Neurological Impairment (Dra. Carmina Montoliu Félix)
Research Group on Endothelial Cells (LINCE) (Dr. Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla, Dra. Susana Novella del Campo)
Research Group on Exercise, Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle (Dra. Mª Carmen Gómez Cabrera)
Research Group on Healthy Aging (Dra. Consuelo Borrás Blasco)
Research Group on Aging and Physical Activity (Dr. José Viña Ribes)
Research Group on Cellular and Organic Physiopathology of Oxidative Stress (Dr. Federico V. Pallardó Calatayud)
Research Group on Molecular Imaging and Metabolomics (Dr. Daniel Monleón Salvadó)
Research Group on Inflammation (Dr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez, Dra. Mª Jesús Sanz Ferrando)
Research Group on Genetics of Osteoporosis (Dr. Miguel Ángel García Pérez)
Dr. José Viña Ribes

Dr. Consuelo Borrás Blasco

Dr. Mª Carmen Gómez Cabrera