Metabolism and Organic Damage Area


To contribute to the study of the etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis mechanisms or treatment of various metabolic diseases; or those that generate organ damage as a fundamental link of its trigger action.


Group on Translational Genomics (Dr. Rubén D Artero Allepuz)
Research Group on Neurological Impairment (Dr. Carmina Montoliu Félix)
Research Group on Anesthesiology and Reanimation (Dr. Carlos Tornero Tornero)
Research Group on Personal Autonomy, Dependence and Severe Mental Disorders (Dr. Rafael Tabarés Seisdedos)
Research Group on Tissular Biochemistry (Dr. Juan R. Viña Ribes)
Research Group on General and Digestive Surgery (Dr. Joaquín Ortega Serrano)
Research Group on Exercise, Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle (Dr. Mª Carmen Gómez Cabrera) *
Research Group on Metabolic Diseases (Dr. Herminia González Navarro) *
Research Group on Rare Respiratory Diseases (RRD) (Dr. Francisco Dasí Fernández) *
Research Group on Respiratory Diseases (Dr. Jaime Signes-Costa Miñana)
Research Group on Healthy Aging (Dr. Consuelo Borrás Blasco) *
Research Group on Aging and Physical Activity (Dr. José Viña Ribes)
Research Group on Epigenomics and Translational Epigenetics (Dr. Jose Luis García Giménez) *
Research Group on Cellular and Organic Physiopathology of Oxidative Stress (Dr. Federico V. Pallardó Calatayud)
Research Group on Inflammation (Dr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez, Dr. Mª Jesús Sanz Ferrando)
Research Group on Psychiatry and Neurodegenerative Diseases (Dr. Julio Sanjuán Arias)
Research Group in Medical Chemistry for Drug Development (Dra. Nuria Cabedo Escrig) *
Research Group on Nuclear Receptors in Cardiometabolic Pathology (Dra. Laura Piqueras Ruiz) *
Research Group on Genetics of Osteoporosis (Dr. Miguel Ángel García Pérez)

* Emerging group
** Associated group


Dr. José Viña Ribes