INCLIVA aims to strengthen is transparency, offering in a structured and easily accessible way all information related to the use of public resources and the planning and management of the activity related biomedical research, in compliance with Law 2/ 2015, of April 2, of the Generalitat, on Transparency, Good Governance and Citizen Participation of the Valencian Community and Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.

Legal Information
Economic Information
Strategic Plan

The foundational purposes of the Research Foundation of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València, INCLIVA Foundation according to its statutes, are to promote, encourage, favor and execute the scientific and technical research and teaching. INCLIVA Foundation, according to its statutes, are to encourage, promote, favor and execute scientific and technical research and teaching, and to monitor and control the same within the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València, and is Health Department (Valencia Clinical-Malvarrosa Health Department), as well as in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia, and the development of the same.

The purpose of the Foundation is:

  • Stablish the strategic guidelines; prioritize, promote and execute biomedical research at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and its Health Department.
  • To facilitate and promote the teaching and preparation of postgraduates and researchers for their continuing education, complementing the general specialized medical teaching plans accredited at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València, and the postgraduate teaching programs existing at the University.
  • To accredit and guarantee the research projects and progress of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and its Health Department.
  • To cooperate by means of agreements and other forms of agreement with national and international organizations and with national or foreign health or educational institutions.
  • To project to society the experience and responsible and relevant contribution of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and its Health Department.
  • To lead and participate in multicentric projects with national and international reach.
  • To manage the research process of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and its Health Department, and the resources resulting from management contracts, organizing contributions and expenses, ensuring a balanced administration, and implementing the strategic prioritization of research at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and its Health Department.
  • To grant scholarships and financial aid for research and training within the scope of this Foundation.
  • To guarantee the observance of ethical imperatives and professional ethics.
  • To ensure that research applied to the improvement of clinical practice and quality of care is significantly oriented.
  • Facilitate the financing, administration and management of the research process.
  • To promote excellent scientific research.
  • Dissemination of scientific activity.
  • Contribution to the improvement of citizen’s quality life trough research, teaching and dissemination.
  • To encourage the transfer of results of the practical clinical research.
  • To push forward the creation of innovative technology companies.
  • To carry out any type of activities that, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, are appropriate for the achievement of the objectives of the Foundation, directly or through public or private entities.

Regulations of INCLIVA
Governing bodies
Managing Director
Managing Director’s Agenda