
The Biostatistics Unit (UB) is a central platform of INCLIVA created in 2022 with the aim of driving, promoting and executing quality translational and clinical research through methodological and analytical support. The UB integrates a series of professionals highly specialized in data analysis.

Currently, the UB offers a wide range of services available both for the INCLIVA Foundation’s own staff and for external researchers.


This unit is located in the new INCLIVA offices (C. de Menéndez y Pelayo, 3, 46010 Valencia).


Our team offers the following portfolio of services:

  • Design of clinical/epidemiological studies.
  • Calculation of sample sizes.
  • Simulation techniques.
  • Supervised and unsupervised analysis techniques.
  • Development of predictive statistical models.
  • Advice and methodological support in writing protocols, research projects, articles, final degree/master’s projects and doctoral theses.
  • Data mining and exploratory analysis of public databases.
  • Graphic representation of research results.
  • Debugging and analysis of databases.
  • Training on demand.
  • Consulting.


Computer center with 260 cores, 5TB of RAM, 250TB of server storage, of which 14 are high-speed SSDs, for storage-intensive processes such as aligning short sequences or calling variants from files BAM and about 300 TB for secondary storage.


Juan Antonio Carbonell Asins – Coordinator of the platform
Carlos J. Peña de los Santos – Biostatistical Technician


PhD. Juan Antonio Carbonell Asins


Telephone: 962 542 391