Grupo de Investigación en Biología en Cáncer de mama

Área de Oncología

Nuestro grupo de investigación en cáncer de mama se dedica a la investigación traslacional con el objetivo de comprender mejor los complejos mecanismos moleculares subyacentes a la enfermedad. Nos enfocamos en el desarrollo de fármacos más eficaces mediante el estudio de biomarcadores y dianas terapéuticas específicas dentro de los ensayos clínicos.

En nuestro laboratorio, utilizamos técnicas innovadoras y de vanguardia, que incluyen análisis genómicos, transcriptómicos y proteómicos, así como radiómica. Esta aproximación multidisciplinaria nos permite estudiar en detalle la biología molecular de los tumores de mama y descubrir biomarcadores pronósticos y predictivos clave.

Uno de los pilares de nuestro trabajo es el uso de modelos preclínicos representativos de la enfermedad, como los modelos PDX (xenoinjertos derivados de pacientes), que reproducen fielmente la heterogeneidad tumoral y la respuesta al tratamiento observada en pacientes reales. Estos modelos nos permiten evaluar la eficacia de nuevas terapias y validar nuestros hallazgos preclínicos antes de su aplicación en ensayos clínicos.

En resumen, nuestro objetivo es avanzar en el conocimiento científico del cáncer de mama para desarrollar terapias más precisas y personalizadas. Creemos firmemente en la importancia de la investigación traslacional como puente entre el laboratorio y la clínica, con el propósito último de mejorar los resultados y la calidad de vida de las pacientes con cáncer de mama.

Dra. Ana Lluch Hernández
Dra. Ana Lluch Hernández

Dra. Ana Lluch Hernández
Dra. Pilar Eroles Asensio

R4 Senior

Ana Lluch Hernández    
Pilar Eroles Asensio    

R3 Consolidado

Isabel Chirivella González
Octavio Burgues Gasión

R2 Novel / Emergente

Juan Miguel Cejalvo Andújar    
Begoña Bermejo De Las Heras
Diego Soriano Mena
Elvira Buch Villa
Lidia González Villena
Mª Teresa Martínez Martínez

R1 Predoctoral

Cristina Hernando Meliá
Ana Caterina Trigo Lameirinhas
Ana María Ágreda Roca
Sandra Torres Ruiz
Cristina Tébar Sánchez


Esther Jordá Sorolla


Elena Mieres Negro
Sara Rodríguez Pestano
Silvia Coret Sinisterra


Elisa Alonso Yuste
Julia Soler Flores


Yolanda De La Cruz Robles

Image-based multiplex immune profiling of cancer tissues: translational implications. A report of the International Immuno-oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer. Jahangir C, Page D, Broeckx G, et al. Journal of Pathology. 2024 Jan 17. doi: 10.1002/path.6238. PMID: 38230434

NK cell-triggered CCL5/IFNgamma-CXCL9/10 axis underlies the clinical efficacy of neoadjuvant anti-HER2 antibodies in breast cancer. Santana-Hernandez S, Suarez-Olmos J, Servitja S, Berenguer-Molins P, Costa-Garcia M, Comerma L, Rea A, Perera-Bel J, Menendez S, Arpi O, Bermejo B, Martinez M, Cejalvo J, Comino-Mendez I, Pascual J, Alba E, Lopez-Botet M, Rojo F, Rovira A, Albanell J, Muntasell A. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2024 Jan 3;43(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s13046-023-02918-4. PMID: 38167224

With COVID-19 came the change and expansion of MAS programs in breast pathology. Buch E, Bauza M, Munoz E, Adrianzen M, Lopez V. Cirugia Espanola. 2024 Jan 13:S2173-5077(24)00019-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cireng.2023.07.009. PMID: 38224765

Acquired aggressive multisystemic disseminated lobular capillary haemangioma: a life threatening disorder. Monteagudo C, Porcar-Saura S, Navarro S, Burgues O, Gonzalez J, Ferrandez A, Forner M. Pathology. 2023 Aug;55(5):729-732. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2022.11.014. PMID: 36894353

Adjuvant endocrine therapy in premenopausal breast cancer: 12-year results from SOFT. Francis P, Fleming G, Lang I, Ciruelos E, Bonnefoi H, Bellet M, Bernardo A, Climent M, Martino S, Bermejo B, Burstein H, Davidson N, Geyer C, Walley B, Ingle J, Coleman R, Muller B, Le Du F, Loibl S, Winer E, Ruepp B, Loi S, Colleoni M, Coates A, Gelber R, Goldhirsch A, Regan M. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2023 Mar 1;41(7):1370-1375. doi: 10.1200/JCO.22.01065. PMID: 36493334

Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab and chemotherapy for metastatic, persistent, or recurrent cervical cancer (BEATcc): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Oaknin A, Gladieff L, Martínez-García J, Villacampa G, Takekuma M, De Giorgi U, Lindemann K, Woelber L, Colombo N, Duska L, Leary A, Godoy-Ortiz A, Nishio S, Angelergues A, Rubio MJ, Fariñas-Madrid L, Yamaguchi S, Lorusso D, Ray-Coquard I, Manso L, Joly F, Alarcón J, Follana P, Romero I, Lebreton C, Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Yunokawa M, Dahlstrand H, D’Hondt V, Randall LM; ENGOT-Cx10–GEICO 68-C–JGOG1084–GOG-3030 Investigators. Lancet. 2023 Dec 1:S0140-6736(23)02405-4. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02405-4. PMID: 38048793

Author Correction: Clinical, pathological, and PAM50 gene expression features of HER2-low breast cancer. Schettini F, Chic N, Brasó-Maristany F, Paré L, Pascual T, Conte B, Martínez-Sáez O, Adamo B, Vidal M, Barnadas E, Fernández-Martinez A, González-Farre B, Sanfeliu E, Cejalvo JM, Perrone G, Sabarese G, Zalfa F, Peg V, Fasani R, Villagrasa P, Gavilá J, Barrios CH, Lluch A, Martín M, Locci M, De Placido S, Prat A. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2023 Apr 29;9(1):32. doi: 10.1038/s41523-023-00538-x. Erratum for: NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Jan 4;7(1):1. PMID: 37120452

AXL – a new player in resistance to HER2 blockade. Adam-Artigues A, Arenas E, Arribas J, Prat A, Cejalvo J. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2023 Dec:121:102639. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2023.102639. PMID: 37864955

Baseline mutations and ctDNA dynamics as prognostic and predictive factors in er-positive/her2-negative metastatic breast cancer patients. Pascual J, Gil-Gil M, Proszek P, Zielinski C, Reay A, Ruiz-Borrego M, Cutts R, Ciruelos Gil E, Feber A, Munoz-Mateu M, Swift C, Bermejo B, Herranz J, Margeli Vila M, Anton A, Kahan Z, Csoszi T, Liu Y, Fernandez-Garcia D, Garcia-Murillas I, Hubank M, Turner N, Martin M. Clinical Cancer Research. 2023 Oct 13;29(20):4166-4177. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-23-0956. PMID: 37490393

CCNE1 and PLK1 mediates resistance to palbociclib in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer. Guerrero-Zotano Á, Belli S, Zielinski C, Gil-Gil M, Fernandez-Serra A, Ruiz-Borrego M, Ciruelos Gil EM, Pascual J, Muñoz-Mateu M, Bermejo B, Margeli Vila M, Antón A, Murillo L, Nisenbaum B, Liu Y, Herranz J, Fernandez Garcia D, Caballero R, López-Guerrero JA, Bianco R, Formisano L, Turner N, Martín M. Clinical Cancer Research. 2023 Apr 14;29(8):1557-1568. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-2206. PMID: 36749874.

Clinical and cost outcomes of a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coated patch versus drainage after axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer: results from a multicentre randomized clinical trial. Buch-Villa E, Castaner-Puga C, Delgado-Garcia S, Fuster-Diana C, Vidal-Herrador B, Ripoll-Orts F, Galeote-Quecedo T, Prat A, Andres-Matias M, Jimeno-Fraile J, Munoz-Sorsona E, Vento G, Gumbau-Puchol V, Adrianzen M, Lopez-Flor V, Ortega J. British Journal of Surgery. 2023 Aug 11;110(9):1180-1188. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znad150. PMID: 37311694

Clinical impact of new treatment strategies for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients with resistance to classical Anti-HER therapies. Tapia M, Hernando C, Martínez M, Burgués O, Tebar-Sánchez C, Lameirinhas A, Agreda-Roca A, Torres-Ruiz S, Garrido-Cano I, Lluch A, Bermejo B, Eroles P. Cancers. 2023 Sep 12;15(18):4522. doi: 10.3390/cancers15184522. PMID: 37760491

Correction: SEOM-GEICAM-SOLTI clinical guidelines for early-stage breast cancer (2022). De la Pena F, Novoa S, Gregori J, Cortijo L, Carrasco F, Martinez M, Estevez C, Stradella A, Losada M, Ciruelos E. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Oct 30. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03334-y. PMID: 37902930

Delivery of miR-200c-3p using tumor-targeted mesoporous silica nanoparticles for breast cancer therapy. Garrido-Cano I, Adam-Artigues A, Lameirinhas A, Blandez J, Candela-Noguera V, Lluch A, Bermejo B, Sancenon F, Cejalvo J, Martinez-Manez R, Eroles P. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2023 Aug 16;15(32):38323-38334. doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c07541. PMID: 37549382

Distinct GSDMB protein isoforms and protease cleavage processes differentially control pyroptotic cell death and mitochondrial damage in cancer cells. Oltra S, Colomo S, Sin L, Perez-Lopez M, Lazaro S, Molina-Crespo A, Choi K, Ros-Pardo D, Martinez L, Morales S, Gonzalez-Paramos C, Orantes A, Soriano M, Hernandez A, Lluch A, Rojo F, Albanell J, Gomez-Puertas P, Ko J, Sarrio D, Moreno-Bueno G. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2023 May;30(5):1366-1381. doi: 10.1038/s41418-023-01143-y. PMID: 36899106

Dual neoadjuvant blockade plus chemotherapy versus monotherapy for the treatment of women with non-metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Vazquez J, Antolin S, Ruiz-Borrego M, Servitja S, Alba E, Barnadas A, Lluch A, Martin M, Rodriguez-Lescure A, Sola I, Bonfill X, Urrutia G, Sanchez-Rovira P. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2022 Nov 22. doi: 10.1007/s12094-022-02998-2. PMID: 36417083

Generation and characterization of trastuzumab/pertuzumab-resistant HER2-Positive breast cancer cell lines. Sanz-Alvarez M, Luque M, Morales-Gallego M, Cristóbal I, Ramírez-Merino N, Rangel Y, Izarzugaza Y, Eroles P, Albanell J, Madoz-Gúrpide J, Rojo F. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Dec 22;25(1):207. doi: 10.3390/ijms25010207. PMID: 38203378

High VEGFR3 expression reduces doxorubicin efficacy in triple-negative breast cancer. Torres Ruiz S, Tormo E, Garrido Cano I, Lameirinhas A, Rojo F, Madoz Gurpide J, Burgues O, Hernando C, Bermejo B, Martinez MT, Lluch A, Cejalvo JM, Eroles P. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Feb 10;24(4):3601. doi: 10.3390/ijms24043601. PMID: 36835014

HOPE (SOLTI-1903) breast cancer study: real-world, patient-centric, clinical practice study to assess the impact of genomic data on next treatment decision-choice in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Olivera-Salguero R, Segui E, Cejalvo J, Oliveira M, Tolosa P, Vidal M, Malumbres M, Gavila J, Saura C, Pernas S, Lopez R, Margeli M, Balmana J, Munoz M, Blancas I, Boni V, Ciruelos E, Galve E, Perello A, Sanchez-Bayona R, de la Cruz S, de la Hoya M, Galvan P, Sanfeliu E, Gonzalez-Farre B, Sirenko V, Blanch-Torras A, Canes J, Masanas H, Olmos R, Forns M, Prat A, Casas A, Pascual T. Frontiers in Oncology. 2023 Apr 28;13:1151496. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1151496. PMID: 37188177

Impact of concurrent tumour events on the prostate cancer outcomes of germline BRCA2 mutation carriers. Lozano R, Castro E, Lopez-Campos F, Thorne H, Ramirez-Backhaus M, Aragon I, Cendon-Florez Y, Gutierrez-Pecharroman A, Salles D, Romero-Laorden N, Lorente D, Gonzalez-Peramato P, Calatrava A, Alonso C, Anido U, Arevalo-Lobera S, Balmana J, Chirivella I, Juan-Fita M, Llort G, Y Cajal T, Almagro E, Alameda D, Lopez-Casas P, Herrera B, Mateo J, Pritchard C, Antonarakis E, Lotan T, Rubio-Briones J, Sandhu S, Olmos D. European Journal of Cancer. 2023 Mar 5;185:105-118. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2023.02.022. PMID: 36972661

In the Literature: january 2023. Martin-Arana J, Gambardella V, Tarazona N, Cejalvo JM, Cervantes A. ESMO Open. 2023 Jan 3;8(1):100763. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2022.100763. PMID: 36603523

In the literature: May 2023. Gambardella V, Cejalvo J, Cervantes A. ESMO Open. 2023 May 15;8(3):101562. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2023.101562. PMID: 37196398

Long-term clinical outcomes of a Spanish cohort of metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients with a complete response to sunitinib. de Velasco G, Alonso-Gordoa T, Rodríguez-Vida A, Anguera G, Campayo M, Pinto Á, Ortega EM, Gallardo E, Núñez NF, García-Carbonero I, Reig O, Méndez-Vidal MJ, Fernández-Calvo O, Cassinello NV, Torregrosa D, López-Martín A, Rosero A, Valiente PG, de España CG, Climent MA, Santasusana MD, Sánchez ÁR, González IC, Afonso R, García Del Muro X, Casinello J, Fernández-Parra EM, García Sánchez L, Afonso J, Polo SH, Asensio Ú. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. 2023 Jun;21(3):e166-e174. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2022.11.021. PMID: 36610891

Long-term outcomes of high-risk HR-positive and HER2-negative early breast cancer patients from GEICAM adjuvant studies and El Alamo IV registry. Martin M, Carrasco E, Rodriguez-Lescure A, Andres R, Servitja S, Anton A, Ruiz-Borrego M, Bermejo B, Guerrero A, Ramos M, Santaballa A, Munoz M, Cruz J, Lopez-Tarruella S, Chacon J, Alvarez I, Martinez P, Miralles J, Polonio O, Jara C, Aguiar-Bujanda D. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2023 Sep;201(2):151-159. doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-07002-1. PMID: 37338729

miR-146a-5p promotes angiogenesis and confers trastuzumab resistance in HER2+ breast cancer. Cabello P, Torres-Ruiz S, Adam-Artigues A, Fores-Martos J, Martinez M, Hernando C, Zazo S, Madoz-Gurpide J, Rovira A, Burgues O, Rojo F, Albanell J, Lluch A, Bermejo B, Cejalvo J, Eroles P. Cancers. 2023 Apr 4;15(7):2138. doi: 10.3390/cancers15072138. PMID: 37046799

Nodal positivity and systemic therapy among patients with clinical T1-T2N0 human epidermal growth factor receptor-positive breast cancer: Results from two international cohorts. Weiss A, Martinez-Saez O, Waks A, Laws A, McGrath M, Tarantino P, Portnow L, Winer E, Rey M, Tapia M, Prat A, Partridge A, Tolaney S, Cejalvo J, Mittendorf E, King T. Cancer. 2023 Jun 15;129(12):1836-1845. doi: 10.1002/cncr.34750. PMID: 36951169

Palbociclib rechallenge for hormone receptor-positive/HER-negative advanced breast cancer: findings from the phase II BioPER Trial. Albanell J, Perez-Garcia JM, Gil-Gil M, Curigliano G, Ruiz-Borrego M, Comerma L, Gibert J, Bellet M, Bermejo B, Calvo L, de la Haba J, Espinosa E, Minisini AM, Quiroga V, Santaballa Bertran A, Mina L, Bellosillo B, Rojo F, Menendez S, Sampayo-Cordero M, Popa C, Malfettone A, Cortes J, Llombart-Cussac A. Clinical Cancer Research. 2023 Jan 4;29(1):67-80. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-1281. PMID: 36165912

Patritumab deruxtecan in untreated hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negativeearly breast cancer: final results from part A of the window-of-opportunity SOLTI TOT-HER3 pre-operative study. Oliveira M, Falato C, Cejalvo J, Vila M, Tolosa P, Salvador-Bofill F, Cruz J, Arumi M, Luna A, Guerra J, Vidal M, Martinez-Saez O, Pare L, Gonzalez-Farre B, Sanfeliu E, Ciruelos E, Espinosa-Bravo M, Pernas S, Izarzugaza Y, Esker S, Fan P, Parul P, Santhanagopal A, Sellami D, Villacampa G, Ferrero-Cafiero J, Pascual T, Prat A. Annals of Oncology. 2023 Aug;34(8):670-680. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2023.05.004. PMID: 37211044

Physicians’ attitudes and perceived barriers to adherence to the national breast cancer clinical practice guidelines in Mexico: a survey study. Martinez-Cannon B, Soto-Perez-de-Celis E, Valle-Solis A, Arce-Salinas C, Bargallo-Rocha E, Bautista-Pina V, Cervantes-Sanchez G, Flores-Balcazar C, Tamburrino M, Lluch A, Maffuz-Aziz A, Perez-Sanchez V, Poitevin-Chacon A, Salas-Gonzalez E, Torres L, Valero V, Villasenor-Navarro Y, Cardenas-Sanchez J. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Jan;25(1):151-159. doi: 10.1007/s12094-022-02921-9. PMID: 35986133

Pitfalls in machine learning-based assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer: a report of the international immuno-oncology biomarker working group. Thagaard J, Broeckx G, Page D, Jahangir C, Verbandt S, Kos Z, Gupta R, Khiroya R, Abduljabbar K, Acosta Haab G, Acs B, Akturk G, Almeida J, Alvarado-Cabrero I, Amgad M, Azmoudeh-Ardalan F, Badve S, Baharun N, Balslev E, Bellolio E, Bheemaraju V, Blenman K, Botinelly Mendonca Fujimoto L, Bouchmaa N, Burgues O, Chardas A, Chon U Cheang M, Ciompi F, Cooper L, Coosemans A, Corredor G, Dahl A, Dantas Portela F, Deman F, Demaria S, Dore Hansen J, Dudgeon S, Ebstrup T, Elghazawy M, Fernandez-Martin C, Fox S, Gallagher W, Giltnane J, Gnjatic S, Gonzalez-Ericsson P, Grigoriadis A, Halama N, Hanna M, Harbhajanka A, Hart S, Hartman J, Hauberg S, Hewitt S, Hida A, Horlings H, Husain Z, Hytopoulos E, Irshad S, Janssen E, Kahila M, Kataoka T, Kawaguchi K, Kharidehal D, Khramtsov A, Kiraz U, Kirtani P, Kodach L, Korski K, Kovacs A, Laenkholm A, Lang-Schwarz C, Larsimont D, Lennerz J, Lerousseau M, Li X, Ly A, Madabhushi A, Maley S, Manur Narasimhamurthy V, Marks D, McDonald E, Mehrotra R, Michiels S, Minhas F, Mittal S, Moore D, Mushtaq S, Nighat H, Papathomas T, Penault-Llorca F, Perera R, Pinard C, Pinto-Cardenas J, Pruneri G, Pusztai L, Rahman A, Rajpoot N, Rapoport B, Rau T, Reis-Filho J, Ribeiro J, Rimm D, Roslind A, Vincent-Salomon A, Salto-Tellez M, Saltz J, Sayed S, Scott E, Siziopikou K, Sotiriou C, Stenzinger A, Sughayer M, Sur D, Fineberg S, Symmans F, Tanaka S, Taxter T, Tejpar S, Teuwen J, Thompson E, Tramm T, Tran W, van der Laak J, van Diest P, Verghese G, Viale G, Vieth M, Wahab N, Walter T, Waumans Y, Wen H, Yang W, Yuan Y, Zin R, Adams S, Bartlett J, Loibl S, Denkert C, Savas P, Loi S, Salgado R, Specht Stovgaard E. Journal of pathology. 2023 Aug;260(5):498-513. doi: 10.1002/path.6155. PMID: 37608772

Prophylactic mastectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in patients with breast cancer: a systematic review of postsurgical sexual function and menopausal hormone therapy symptom mitigation. Morgan O, Belda R, Schnur J, Montgomery G, Parmar S, Chirivella I, Cano A. Sexual Medicine Reviews. 2023 Dec 23;12(1):3-13. doi: 10.1093/sxmrev/qead020. PMID: 37183167

Prospective assessment of bone metabolism biomarkers and survival in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients treated with Radium-223: the PRORADIUM Study. Romero-Laorden N, Lorente D, de Velasco G, Lozano R, Herrera B, Puente J, Lopez P, Medina A, Almagro E, Gonzalez-Billalabeitia E, Villla-Guzman J, Gonzalez-Del-Alba A, Borrega P, Lainez N, Fernandez-Freire A, Hernandez A, Rodriguez-Vida A, Chirivella I, Fernandez-Parra E, Lopez-Campos F, Isabel Pacheco M, Morales-Barrera R, Fernandez O, Villatoro R, Luque R, Hernando S, Castellano D, Castro E, Olmos D. European Urology Oncology. 2023 Oct 12:S2588-9311(23)00207-9. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2023.09.015. PMID: 37838555

Real-world use of highly sensitive liquid biopsy monitoring in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with endocrine agents after exposure to aromatase inhibitors. Fuentes-Antrás J, Martínez-Rodríguez A, Guevara-Hoyer K, López-Cade I, Lorca V, Pascual A, de Luna A, Ramirez-Ruda C, Swindell J, Flores P, Lluch A, Cescon D, Pérez-Segura P, Ocana A, Jones F, Moreno F, García-Barberán V, García-Sáenz J. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Jul 13;24(14):11419. doi: 10.3390/ijms241411419. PMID: 37511178

SEOM clinical guideline on heritable TP53-related cancer syndrome (2022). Sanchez-Heras A, Cajal T, Pineda M, Aguirre E, Grana B, Chirivella I, Balmana J, Brunet J. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Sep;25(9):2627-2633. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03202-9. PMID: 37133731

SEOM-GEICAM-SOLTI clinical guidelines for early-stage breast cancer (2022). Ayala de la Pena F, Antolin Novoa S, Gavila Gregori J, Gonzalez Cortijo L, Henao Carrasco F, Martinez Martinez M, Morales Estevez C, Stradella A, Vidal Losada M, Ciruelos E. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Sep;25(9):2647-2664. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03215-4. PMID: 37326826

Spatial analyses of immune cell infiltration in cancer: current methods and future directions. A report of the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer. Page D, Broeckx G, Jahangir C, Verbandt S, Gupta R, Thagaard J, Khiroya R, Kos Z, Abduljabbar K, Acosta Haab G, Acs B, Almeida J, Alvarado-Cabrero I, Azmoudeh-Ardalan F, Badve S, Baharun N, Bellolio E, Bheemaraju V, Blenman K, Botinelly Mendonca Fujimoto L, Burgues O, Cheang M, Ciompi F, Cooper L, Coosemans A, Corredor G, Dantas Portela F, Deman F, Demaria S, Dudgeon S, Elghazawy M, Ely S, Fernandez-Martin C, Fineberg S, Fox S, Gallagher W, Giltnane J, Gnjatic S, Gonzalez-Ericsson P, Grigoriadis A, Halama N, Hanna M, Harbhajanka A, Hardas A, Hart S, Hartman J, Hewitt S, Hida A, Horlings H, Husain Z, Hytopoulos E, Irshad S, Janssen E, Kahila M, Kataoka T, Kawaguchi K, Kharidehal D, Khramtsov A, Kiraz U, Kirtani P, Kodach L, Korski K, Kovacs A, Laenkholm A, Lang-Schwarz C, Larsimont D, Lennerz J, Lerousseau M, Li X, Ly A, Madabhushi A, Maley S, Manur Narasimhamurthy V, Marks D, McDonald E, Mehrotra R, Michiels S, Minhas F, Mittal S, Moore D, Mushtaq S, Nighat H, Papathomas T, Penault-Llorca F, Perera R, Pinard C, Pinto-Cardenas J, Pruneri G, Pusztai L, Rahman A, Rajpoot N, Rapoport B, Rau T, Reis-Filho J, Ribeiro J, Rimm D, Salomon A, Salto-Tellez M, Saltz J, Sayed S, Siziopikou K, Sotiriou C, Stenzinger A, Sughayer M, Sur D, Symmans F, Tanaka S, Taxter T, Tejpar S, Teuwen J, Thompson E, Tramm T, Tran W, van der Laak J, van Diest P, Verghese G, Viale G, Vieth M, Wahab N, Walter T, Waumans Y, Wen H, Yang W, Yuan Y, Adams S, Bartlett J, Loibl S, Denkert C, Savas P, Loi S, Salgado R, Specht Stovgaard E, Akturk G, Bouchmaa N. Journal of Pathology. 2023 Aug;260(5):514-532. doi: 10.1002/path.6165. PMID: 37608771

Spatial predictors of immunotherapy response in triple-negative breast cancer. Wang X, Danenberg E, Huang C, Egle D, Callari M, Bermejo B, Dugo M, Zamagni C, Thill M, Anton A, Zambelli S, Russo S, Ciruelos E, Greil R, Gyorffy B, Semiglazov V, Colleoni M, Kelly C, Mariani G, Del Mastro L, Biasi O, Seitz R, Valagussa P, Viale G, Gianni L, Bianchini G, Ali H. Nature. 2023 Sep;621(7980):868-876. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06498-3. PMID: 37674077

Synthesis of 2-aminopropyl benzopyran derivatives as potential agents against triple-negative breast cancer. García A, Torres-Ruiz S, Vila L, Villarroel-Vicente C, Bernabeu A, Eroles P, Cabedo N, Cortes D. RSC Medicinal Chemistry. 2023 Oct 4;14(11):2327-2341. doi: 10.1039/d3md00385j. PMID: 38020071

The value of sentinel lymph-node biopsy in women with node-positive breast cancer at diagnosis and node-negative tumour after neoadjuvant therapy: a systematic review. Vazquez JC, Pinero A, de Castro FJ, Lluch A, Martin M, Barnadas A, Alba E, Rodriguez-Lescure A, Rojo F, Gimenez J, Sola I, Quintana MJ, Bonfill X, Urrutia G, Sanchez-Rovira P. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Feb;25(2):417-428. doi: 10.1007/s12094-022-02953-1. PMID: 36153763

Thoracoabdominal flap as an alternative to close large soft tissue defects after mastectomies in cases of locally advanced breast cancer. Adrianzen M, Buch E, Izquierdo A, Bauza M, Munoz E, Lopez V, Huntley D. Cirugia Española. 2023 Oct;101(10):710. doi: 10.1016/j.cireng.2023.09.004. PMID: 37783383

Trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients with central nervous system involvement from HER2-positive breast cancer: The DEBBRAH Trial. Perez-Garcia J, Batista M, Cortez P, Ruiz-Borrego M, Cejalvo J, de la Haba-Rodriguez J, Garrigos L, Racca F, Servitja S, Blanch S, Gion M, Nave M, Fernandez-Abad M, Martinez-Bueno A, Llombart-Cussac A, Sampayo-Cordero M, Malfettone A, Cortes J, Braga S. Neuro-Oncology. 2023 Jan 5;25(1):157-166. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noac144. PMID: 35639825

Triple negative PAM50 non-basal breast cancer subtype predicts benefit from extended adjuvant capecitabine. Asleh K, Lluch A, Goytain A, Barrios C, Wang X, Torrecillas L, Gao D, Ruiz-Borrego M, Leung S, Bines J, Guerrero-Zotano A, Garcia-Saenz J, Cejalvo J, Herranz J, Torres R, de la Haba-Rodriguez J, Ayala F, Gomez H, Rojo F, Nielsen T, Martin M. Clinical Cancer Research. 2023 Jan 17;29(2):389-400. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-2191. PMID: 36346687

Antagonists of the Mu-opioid receptor in the cancer patient: fact or fiction?. Belltall A, Mazzinari G, Diaz-Cambronero O, Eroles P, Navarro M. Current Oncology Reports. 2022 Oct;24(10):1337-1349. doi: 10.1007/s11912-022-01295-z. PMID: 35648340

CIP2A as a key regulator for AKT phosphorylation has partial impact determining clinical outcome in breast cancer. Luque M, Cristobal I, Sanz-Alvarez M, Santos A, Zazo S, Eroles P, Arpi O, Rovira A, Albanell J, Madoz-Gurpide J, Garcia-Foncillas J, Rojo F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Mar 14;11(6):1610. doi: 10.3390/jcm11061610. PMID: 35329936

Clinical and sociodemographic determinants of adherence to World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) recommendations in breast cancer survivors-health-EpiGEICAM Study. Lope V, Guerrero-Zotano A, Ruiz-Moreno E, Bermejo B, Antolin S, Montano A, Baena-Canada JM, Ramos Vazquez M, Fernandez de Larrea-Baz N, Chacon JI, Garcia-Saenz JA, Olier C, Munoz M, Anton A, Sanchez Rovira P, Arcusa Lanza A, Gonzalez S, Oltra A, Brunet J, Gavila Gregori J, Martinez MT, Calvo L, Rosell L, Bezares S, Pastor-Barriuso R, Perez-Gomez B, Martin M, Pollan M. Cancers. 2022 Sep 27;14(19):4705. doi: 10.3390/cancers14194705. PMID: 36230628

Clinical factors associated with long-term benefit in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with axitinib: real-world AXILONG Study. Pinto A, Reig O, Iglesias C, Gallardo E, Garcia-Del Muro X, Alonso T, Anguera G, Suarez C, Munoz-Langa J, Villalobos-Leon L, Rodriguez-Sanchez A, Lainez N, Martinez-Ortega E, Campayo M, Velastegui A, Rodriguez-Vida A, Villa-Guzman J, Mendez-Vidal M, Rubio G, Garcia I, Capdevila L, Lambea J, Vazquez S, Fernandez O, Hernando-Polo S, Cerezo S, Santander C, Garcia-Marrero R, Zambrana F, Gonzalez-Del Alba A, Lazaro-Quintela M, Castellano D, Chirivella I, Anido U, Viana A, Garcia A, Sotelo M, Arevalo M, Garcia-Donas J, Hernandez C, Bolos M, Llinares J, Climent M. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. 2022 Feb;20(1):25-34. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2021.09.006. PMID: 34789409

Derived neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts pathological complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Ocana A, Chacon J, Calvo L, Anton A, Mansutti M, Albanell J, Martinez M, Lahuerta A, Bisagni G, Bermejo B, Semiglazov V, Thill M, Chan A, Morales S, Herranz J, Tusquets I, Chiesa M, Caballero R, Valagussa P, Bianchini G, Alba E, Gianni L. Frontiers in Oncology. 2022 Feb 11;11:827625. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.827625. PMID: 35223459

Development of a Novel NGS methodology for ultrasensitive circulating tumor dna detection as a tool for early-stage breast cancer diagnosis. Jimenez-Rodriguez B, Alba-Bernal A, Lopez-Lopez E, Quiros-Ortega ME, Carbajosa G, Garrido-Aranda A, Alvarez M, Godoy-Ortiz A, Queipo-Ortuno MI, Vicioso L, Diaz-Cordoba G, Roldan-Diaz MD, Velasco-Suelto J, Hernando C, Bermejo B, Julve-Parreno A, Lluch A, Pascual J, Comino-Mendez I, Alba E. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Dec 21;24(1):146. doi: 10.3390/ijms24010146. PMID: 36613590

Functional mapping of AKT signaling and biomarkers of response from the FAIRLANE Trial of neoadjuvant ipatasertib plus paclitaxel for triple-negative breast cancer. Shi Z, Wulfkuhle J, Nowicka M, Gallagher RI, Saura C, Nuciforo PG, Calvo I, Andersen J, Passos Coelho JL, Gil Gil MJ, Bermejo B, Pratt DA, Ciruelos EM, Villagrasa P, Wongchenko MJ, Petricoin EF, Oliveira M, Isakoff SJ. Clinical Cancer Research. 2022 Mar 1;28(5):993-1003. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-2498. PMID: 34907082

Histological grade and tumor stage are correlated with expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor Kappa b (Rank) in epithelial ovarian cancers. Gomez R, Tejada M, Rodriguez-Garcia V, Burgues O, Santos-Llamas A, Martinez-Massa A, Marin-Montes A, Tarin J, Cano A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Feb 3;23(3):1742. doi: 10.3390/ijms23031742. PMID: 35163671

Immunological landscape of HER-2 positive breast cancer. Moragon S, Hernando C, Martinez-Martinez M, Tapia M, Ortega-Morillo B, Lluch A, Bermejo B, Cejalvo J. Cancers. 2022 Jun 28;14(13):3167. doi: 10.3390/cancers14133167. PMID: 35804943

Impact of hormone therapy side effects on health-related quality of life, distress, and well-being of breast cancer survivors. Andreu Y, Soto-Rubio A, Ramos-Campos M, Escriche-Saura A, Martinez M, Gavila J. Scientific Reports. 2022 Nov 4;12(1):18673. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22971-x. PMID: 36333362

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a cancer fast-track programme. Martinez M, Moragon S, Ortega-Morillo B, Monton-Bueno J, Simon S, Rosello S, Insa A, Viala A, Navarro J, Sanmartin A, Fluixa C, Julve A, Soriano D, Buch E, Pena A, Franco J, Martinez-Jabaloyas J, Marco J, Forner M, Cano A, Silvestre A, Teruel A, Bermejo B, Cervantes A, Chirivella Gonzalez I. Cancer Control. 2022 Jan-Dec;29:10732748221131000. doi: 10.1177/10732748221131000. PMID: 36355430

In the literature: February 2022. Gambardella V, Cejalvo JM, Gonzalez Barrallo I, Gimeno Valiente F, Cervantes A. ESMO open. 2022 Feb 23;7(2):100411. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2022.100411. PMID: 35219243

In the literature: November 2022. Gambardella V, Cejalvo J, Cervantes A. ESMO Open. 2022 Nov 17;7(6):100643. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2022.100643. PMID: 36403559

Is axillary assessment of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast necessary in all cases?. Bellver G, Buch E, Ripoll F, Adrianzen M, Bermejo B, Burgues O, Julve A, Ortega J. Journal of Surgical Research. 2022 Mar;271:145-153. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2021.10.006. PMID: 34902737

LCOR mediates interferon-independent tumor immunogenicity and responsiveness to immune-checkpoint blockade in triple-negative breast cancer. Perez-Nunez I, Rozalen C, Palomeque J, Sangrador I, Dalmau M, Comerma L, Hernandez-Prat A, Casadevall D, Menendez S, Liu D, Shen M, Berenguer J, Ruiz I, Pena R, Montanes J, Alba M, Bonnin S, Ponomarenko J, Gomis R, Cejalvo J, Servitja S, Marzese D, Morey L, Voorwerk L, Arribas J, Bermejo B, Kok M, Pusztai L, Kang Y, Albanell J, Celia-Terrassa T. Nature Cancer. 2022 Mar;3(3):355-370. doi: 10.1038/s43018-022-00339-4. PMID: 35301507

MicroRNAs as a clue to overcome breast cancer treatment resistance. Garrido-Cano I, Pattanayak B, Adam-Artigues A, Lameirinhas A, Torres-Ruiz S, Tormo E, Cervera R, Eroles P. Cancer Metastasis Reviews. 2022 Mar;41(1):77-105. doi: 10.1007/s10555-021-09992-0. PMID: 34524579

miR-99a-5p modulates doxorubicin resistance via the COX-2/ABCG2 axis in triple-negative breast cancer: from the discovery to in vivo studies. Garrido-Cano I, Adam-Artigues A, Lameirinhas A, Blandez J, Candela-Noguera V, Rojo F, Zazo S, Madoz-Gurpide J, Lluch A, Bermejo B, Sancenon F, Cejalvo J, Martinez-Manez R, Eroles P. Cancer Communications. 2022 Dec;42(12):1412-1416. doi: 10.1002/cac2.12352. PMID: 35997029

mTOR inhibition and trastuzumab-emtansine (T-DM1) in HER2-positive breast cancer. Casadevall D, Hernandez-Prat A, Garc A-Alonso S, Arpi-Llucia O, Menendez S, Qin M, Guardia C, Morancho B, Sanchez-Mart N F, Zazo S, Gavilan E, Sabbaghi M, Eroles P, Cejalvo J, Lluch A, Rojo F, Pandiella A, Rovira A, Albanell J. Molecular Cancer Research. 2022 Jul 6;20(7):1108-1121. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-21-0545. PMID: 35348729

Oncolytic viruses: a new immunotherapeutic approach for breast cancer treatment?. Cejalvo JM, Falato C, Villanueva L, Tolosa P, Gonzalez X, Pascal M, Canes J, Gavila J, Manso L, Pascual T, Prat A, Salvador F. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2022 May;106:102392. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2022.102392. PMID: 35436729

Opioid receptor expression in colorectal cancer: a nested matched case-control study. Belltall A, Mazzinari G, Garrido-Cano I, Giner F, Mari A, Eroles P, Argente-Navarro M, Cata J, Diaz-Cambronero O. Frontiers in Oncology. 2022 Apr 6;12:801714. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.801714. PMID: 35463331

Overall survival in the OlympiA phase Ill trial of adjuvant olaparib in patients with germime pathogenic variants in BRCA1/2 and high-risk, early breast cancer. Geyer C, Garber J, Gelber R, Yothers G, Taboada M, Ross L, Rastogi P, Cui K, Arahmani A, Aktan G, Armstrong A, Arnedos M, Balmana J, Bergh J, Bliss J, Delaloge S, Domchek S, Eisen A, Elsafy F, Fein L, Fielding A, Ford J, Friedman S, Gelmon K, Gianni L, Gnant M, Hollingsworth S, Im S, Jager A, Lakhani S, Janni W, Linderholm B, Liu T, Loman N, Korde L, Loibl S, Lucas P, Marme F, de Duenas E, McConnell R, Phillips K, Piccart M, Rossi G, Schmutzler R, Senkus E, Shao Z, Sharma P, Singer C, Spanic T, Stickeler E, Toi M, Traina T, Viale G, Zoppoli G, Park Y, Yerushalmi R, Yang H, Pang D, Jung K, Mailliez A, Fan Z, Tennevet I, Zhang J, Nagy T, Sonke G, Sun Q, Parton M, Colleoni M, Schmidt M, Brufsky A, Razaq W, Kaufman B, Cameron D, Campbell C, Tutt A, Johannsson O. Annals of Oncology. 2022 Dec;33(12):1250-1268. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2022.09.159. PMID: 36228963

Overall survival with palbociclib plus endocrine therapy versus capecitabine in postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer in the PEARL study. Martin M, Zielinski C, Ruiz-Borrego M, Carrasco E, Ciruelos EM, Munoz M, Bermejo B, Margeli M, Csoszi T, Anton A, Turner N, Casas MI, Morales S, Alba E, Calvo L, de la Haba-Rodriguez J, Ramos M, Murillo L, Santaballa A, Alonso-Romero JL, Sanchez-Rovira P, Corsaro M, Huang X, Thallinger C, Kahan Z, Gil-Gil M. European Journal of Cancer. 2022 Jun;168:12-24. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2022.03.006. PMID: 35429901

Pathologic complete response (pCR) to neoadjuvant treatment with or without atezolizumab in triple-negative, early high-risk and locally advanced breast cancer: NeoTRIP Michelangelo randomized study. Gianni L, Huang CS, Egle D, Bermejo B, Zamagni C, Thill M, Anton A, Zambelli S, Bianchini G, Russo S, Ciruelos EM, Greil R, Semiglazov V, Colleoni M, Kelly C, Mariani G, Del Mastro L, Maffeis I, Valagussa P, Viale G. Annals of Oncology. 2022 May;33(5):534-543. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2022.02.004. PMID: 35182721

Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy in advanced triple-negative breast cancer. Cortes J, Rugo H, Cescon D, Im S, Yusof M, Gallardo C, Lipatov O, Barrios C, Perez-Garcia J, Iwata H, Masuda N, Otero M, Gokmen E, Loi S, Guo Z, Zhou X, Karantza V, Pan W, Schmid P. New England Journal of Medicine. 2022 Jul 21;387(3):217-226. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2202809. PMID: 35857659

Phosphoproteomic analysis of neoadjuvant breast cancer suggests that increased sensitivity to paclitaxel is driven by CDK4 and filamin A. Mouron S, Bueno MJ, Lluch A, Manso L, Calvo I, Cortes J, Garcia-Saenz JA, Gil-Gil M, Martinez-Janez N, Apala JV, Caleiras E, Ximénez-Embún P, Muñoz J, Gonzalez-Cortijo L, Murillo R, Sánchez-Bayona R, Cejalvo JM, Gómez-López G, Fustero-Torre C, Sabroso-Lasa S, Malats N, Martinez M, Moreno A, Megias D, Malumbres M, Colomer R, Quintela-Fandino M. Nature Communications. 2022 Dec 7;13(1):7529. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35065-z. PMID: 36477027

Pre-operative ribociclib plus letrozole versus chemotherapy: Health-related quality of life outcomes from the SOLTI CORALLEEN trial. Villacampa G, Falato C, Pare L, Hernando C, Arumi M, Saura C, Gomez G, Munoz M, Gil-Gil M, Izarzugaza Y, Ferrer N, Najera-Zuloaga J, Montano A, Ciruelos E, Gonzalez-Santiago S, Villagrasa P, Gavila J, Prat A, Pascual T. European Journal of Cancer. 2022 Oct;174:232-242. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2022.07.028. PMID: 36067616

Randomized phase II study of fulvestrant plus palbociclib or placebo in endocrine-sensitive, hormone receptor-positive/HER2-advanced breast cancer: GEICAM/2014-12 (FLIPPER). Albanell J, Martinez M, Ramos M, O’Connor M, de la Cruz-Merino L, Santaballa A, Martinez-Janez N, Moreno F, Fernandez I, Alarcon J, Virizuela J, de la Haba-Rodriguez J, Sanchez-Rovira P, Gonzalez-Cortijo L, Margeli M, Sanchez-Munoz A, Anton A, Casas M, Bezares S, Rojo F. European Journal of Cancer. 2022 Jan;161:26-37. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.11.010. PMID: 34902765

Referral criteria to clinical genetics from primary care: consensus document. Ejarque Domenech I, Marin Reina P, Garcia-Minaur Rica S, Chirivella Gonzalez I, Martinez Martinez M, Garcia Rodriguez A, Alvarez de Andres S, Telleria Orriols J. Atencion Primaria. 2022 Nov 11;54(12):102501. doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2022.102501. PMID: 36375295

Relationship between nutritional treatment compliance and nutritional status improvements in patients with gastrointestinal impairment taking an oral peptide-based supplement. Lopez-Medina J, Lopez-Rodriguez C, Estornell-Gualde M, Rey-Fernandez L, Gomez-Senent S, Joaquin-Ortiz C, Fernandez-Soto M, Hurtado-Garcia R, Martin-Martin M, Barrera-Martin A, Vitales-Farrero M, Martinez-Ortega A, Blanca-Martinez-Barbeito M, Vazquez-Vizcaino B, Tasende-Fernandez C, Penacho-Lazaro M, Jorda-Sorolla E, Sanchez-Sanchez R, Diaz-Gomez L, Baos-Fernandez S, Guzman-Rolo G, Ballesteros-Pomar M. Nutrition. 2022 Oct;102:111734. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2022.111734. PMID: 35839658

Role of SALL4 in HER2+breast cancer progression: regulating PI3K/AKT Pathway. Pattanayak B, Lameirinhas A, Torres-Ruiz S, Burgues O, Rovira A, Martinez M, Tapia M, Zazo S, Albanell J, Rojo F, Bermejo B, Eroles P. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Oct 31;23(21):13292. doi: 10.3390/ijms232113292. PMID: 36362083

Safety and efficacy of ribociclib plus letrozole in patients with HR+, HER2- advanced breast cancer: results from the Spanish sub-population of the phase 3b CompLEEment-1 trial. Salvador Bofill J, Moreno Anton F, Rodriguez Sanchez CA, Galve Calvo E, Hernando Melia C, Ciruelos Gil EM, Vidal M, Jimenez-Rodriguez B, De la Cruz Merino L, Martinez Janez N, Villanueva Vazquez R, de Toro Salas R, Anton Torres A, Alvarez Lopez IM, Gavila Gregori J, Quiroga Garcia V, Vicente Rubio E, De la Haba-Rodriguez J, Gonzalez-Santiago S, Diaz Fernandez N, Barnadas Molins A, Cantos Sanchez de Ibarguen B, Delgado Mingorance JI, Bellet Ezquerra M, de Casa S, Gimeno A, Martin M. Breast. 2022 Sep 28;66:77-84. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2022.09.006. PMID: 36206609

Solid tumor opioid receptor expression and oncologic outcomes: analysis of the cancer genome atlas and genotype tissue expression Project. Belltall A, Zuniga-Trejos S, Garrido-Cano I, Eroles P, Argente-Navarro M, Buggy D, Diaz-Cambronero O, Mazzinari G. Frontiers in Oncology. 2022 Mar 10;12:801411. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.801411. PMID: 35359418

SOLTI-1904 ACROPOLI TRIAL: efficacy of spartalizumab monotherapy across tumor-types expressing high levels of PD1 mRNA. Prat A, Paz-Ares L, Juan M, Felip E, Garralda E, Gonzalez B, Arance A, Martin-Liberal J, Gavila J, Lopez-Gonzalez A, Miguel Cejalvo J, Izarzugaza Y, Amillano K, Garcia Corbacho J, Saura C, Racca F, Hierro C, Sanfeliu E, Gonzalez X, Canes J, Villacampa G, Salvador F, Pascual T, Mesia R, Cervantes A, Tabernero J. Future Oncology. 2022 Oct 6. doi: 10.2217/fon-2022-0660. PMID: 36200668

Targeted immunotherapy against distinct cancer-associated fibroblasts overcomes treatment resistance in refractory HER2+breast tumors. Rivas EI, Linares J, Zwick M, Gomez-Llonin A, Guiu M, Labernadie A, Badia-Ramentol J, Llado A, Bardia L, Perez-Nunez I, Martinez-Ciarpaglini C, Tarazona N, Sallent-Aragay A, Garrido M, Celia-Terrassa T, Burgues O, Gomis RR, Albanell J, Calon A. Nature Communications. 2022 Sep 9;13(1):5310. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32782-3. PMID: 36085201

Targeting HER2-AXL heterodimerization to overcome resistance to HER2 blockade in breast cancer. Adam-Artigues A, Arenas E, Martinez-Sabadell A, Braso-Maristany F, Cervera R, Tormo E, Hernando C, Martinez M, Carbonell-Asins J, Simon S, Poveda J, Moragon S, Zazo S, Martinez D, Rovira A, Burgues O, Rojo F, Albanell J, Bermejo B, Lluch A, Prat A, Arribas J, Eroles P, Cejalvo J. Science Advances. 2022 May 20;8(20):eabk2746. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abk2746. PMID: 35594351

The TRAR gene classifier to predict response to neoadjuvant therapy in HER2-positive and ER-positive breast cancer patients: an explorative analysis from the NeoSphere trial. Triulzi T, Bianchini G, Di Cosimo S, Pienkowski T, Im YH, Valeria Bianchi G, Galbardi B, Dugo M, De Cecco L, Tseng LM, Liu MC, Bermejo B, Semiglazov V, Viale G, de la Haba-Rodriguez J, Oh DY, Poirier B, Valagussa P, Gianni L, Tagliabue E. Molecular Oncology. 2022 Jun;16(12):2355-2366. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13141. PMID: 34816585

The value of sentinel lymph-node biopsy after neoadjuvant therapy: an overview. Vazquez J, Pinero A, de Castro F, Lluch A, Martin M, Barnadas A, Alba E, Rodriguez-Lescure A, Rojo F, Gimenez J, Sola I, Quintana M, Bonfill X, Urrutia G, Sanchez-Rovira P. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2022 Sep;24(9):1744-1754. doi: 10.1007/s12094-022-02824-9. PMID: 35414152

Transcriptional profile associated with clinical outcomes in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation and docetaxel. Jimenez N, Reig O, Marin-Aguilera M, Aversa C, Ferrer-Mileo L, Font A, Rodriguez-Vida A, Climent MA, Cros S, Chirivella I, Domenech M, Figols M, Gonzalez-Billalabeitia E, Jimenez Peralta D, Rodriguez-Carunchio L, Garcia-Esteve S, Garcia de Herreros M, Ribal MJ, Prat A, Mellado B. Cancers. 2022 Sep 29;14(19):4757. doi: 10.3390/cancers14194757. PMID: 36230681

Type does matter. Use VIRGIN olive oil as your preferred fat to reduce your risk of breast cancer: case-control EpiGEICAM study. Donat-Vargas C, Guerrero-Zotano A, Lope V, Bermejo B, Casas A, Baena-Canada J, Antolin S, Sanchez-Rovira P, Anton A, Garcia-Saenz J, Ramos M, Munoz M, de Juan A, Sanchez C, Chacon J, Gil-Gil M, Conejero R, Llombart A, Bezares S, de Larrea-Baz N, Perez-Gomez B, Martin M, Pollan M. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2022 Sep;76(9):1343-1346. doi: 10.1038/s41430-022-01101-w. PMID: 35194197

21-Gene assay to inform chemotherapy benefit in node-positive breast cancer. Kalinsky K, Barlow WE, Gralow JR, Meric-Bernstam F, Albain KS, Hayes DF, Lin UN, Perez EA, Goldstein LJ, Chia SKL, Dhesy-Thind S, Rastogi P, Alba E, Delaloge S, Martin M, Kelly CM, Ruiz-Borrego M, Gil-Gil M, Arce-Salinas CH, Brain EGC, Lee ES, Pierga JY, Bermejo B, Ramos-Vazquez M, Jung KH, Ferrero JM, Schott AF, Shak S, Sharma P, Lew DL, Miao J, Tripathy D, Pusztai L, Hortobagyi GN. New England Journal of Medicine. 2021 Dec 16;385(25):2336-2347. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2108873. PMID: 34914339

Adjuvant olaparib for patients with BRCA1- or BRCA2-mutated breast cancer. Tutt A, Garber J, Kaufman B, Viale G, Fumagalli D, Rastogi P, Gelber R, de Azambuja E, Fielding A, Balmana J, Domchek S, Gelmon K, Hollingsworth S, Korde L, Linderholm B, Bandos H, Senkus E, Suga J, Shao Z, Pippas A, Nowecki Z, Huzarski T, Ganz P, Lucas P, Baker N, Loibl S, McConnell R, Piccart M, Schmutzler R, Steger G, Costantino J, Arahmani A, Wolmark N, McFadden E, Karantza V, Lakhani S, Yothers G, Campbell C, Geyer C, OlympiA Clinical Trial Steering. New England Journal of Medicine. 2021 Jun 24;384(25):2394-2405. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2105215. PMID: 34081848

Anomalous right coronary artery from the left sinus with interarterial course. Marcos Garcés V, Lorenzo Hernández M, Martínez Más M, Parrilla Muñoz C, Pernias Escrig V, Bodí Peris V. Coronary Artery Disease. 2021 Aug 1;32(5):475-477. doi: 10.1097/MCA.0000000000000941. PMID: 32804784

Chemotherapy de-escalation using an F-18-FDG-PET-based pathological response-adapted strategy in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer (PHERGain): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, non-comparative, phase 2 trial. Manuel Perez-Garcia J, Gebhart G, Ruiz Borrego M, Stradella A, Bermejo B, Schmid P, Marme F, Escriva-de-Romani S, Calvo L, Ribelles N, Martinez N, Albacar C, Prat A, Dalenc F, Kerrou K, Colleoni M, Afonso N, Di Cosimo S, Sampayo-Cordero M, Malfettone A, Cortes J, Llombart-Cussac A. Lancet Oncology. 2021 Jun;22(6):858-871. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00122-4. PMID: 34019819

Circadian PERformance in breast cancer: a germline and somatic genetic study of PER3VNTR polymorphisms and gene co-expression. Fores-Martos J, Cervera-Vidal R, Sierra-Roca J, Lozano-Asencio C, Fedele V, Cornelissen S, Edvarsen H, Tadeo-Cervera I, Eroles P, Lluch A, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Falco A, Van’t Veer LJ, Schmidt M, Quigley DA, Borresen-Dale AL, Kristensen VN, Balmain A, Climent J. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Sep 10;7(1):118. doi: 10.1038/s41523-021-00329-2. PMID: 34508103

Circulating miR-30b-5p levels in plasma as a novel potential biomarker for early detection of breast cancer. Adam-Artigues A, Garrido-Cano I, Simon S, Ortega B, Moragon S, Lameirinhas A, Constancio V, Salta S, Burgues O, Bermejo B, Henrique R, Lluch A, Jeronimo C, Eroles P, Cejalvo J. ESMO Open. 2021 Jan 18;6(1):100039. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2020.100039. PMID: 33477007

Clinical, pathological, and PAM50 gene expression features of HER2-low breast cancer. Schettini F, Chic N, Braso-Maristany F, Pare L, Pascual T, Conte B, Martinez-Saez O, Adamo B, Vidal M, Barnadas E, Fernandez-Martinez A, Gonzalez-Farre B, Sanfeliu E, Cejalvo J, Perrone G, Sabarese G, Zalfa F, Peg V, Fasani R, Villagrasa P, Gavila J, Barrios C, Lluch A, Martin M, Locci M, De Placido S, Prat A. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Jan 4;7(1):1. doi: 10.1038/s41523-020-00208-2. PMID: 33397968

Expression of phosphorylated BRD4 is markedly associated with the activation status of the PP2A pathway and shows a strong prognostic value in triple negative breast cancer patients. Sanz-Alvarez M, Cristobal I, Luque M, Santos A, Zazo S, Madoz-Gurpide J, Carames C, Chiang C, Garcia-Foncillas J, Eroles P, Albanell J, Rojo F. Cancers. 2021 Mar 12;13(6):1246. doi: 10.3390/cancers13061246. PMID: 33809005

Fertility and breast cancer: a literature review of counseling, preservation options and outcomes. Moragon S, Di Liello R, Bermejo B, Hernando C, Olcina E, Chirivella I, Lluch A, Cejalvo JM, Martinez MT, Critical Reviews In Oncology/Hematology. 2021 Aug 27;166:103461. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2021.103461. PMID: 34461268

Final results of the double-blind placebo-controlled randomized phase 2 LOTUS trial of first-line ipatasertib plus paclitaxel for inoperable locally advanced/metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Dent R, Oliveira M, Isakoff S, Im S, Espie M, Blau S, Tan A, Saura C, Wongchenko M, Xu N, Bradley D, Reilly S, Mani A, Kim S, LOTUS Investigators. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2021 Sep;189(2):377-386. doi: 10.1007/s10549-021-06143-5. PMID: 34264439

First nationwide molecular screening program in Spain for patients with advanced breast cancer: results from the AGATA SOLTI-1301 Study. Pernas S, Villagrasa P, Vivancos A, Scaltriti M, Rodon J, Burgues O, Nuciforo P, Canes J, Pare L, Duenas M, Vidal M, Cejalvo J, Perello A, Llommbard-Cussac A, Dorca J, Montano A, Pascual T, Oliveira M, Ribas G, Rapado I, Prat A, Ciruelos E. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021 Nov 4;11:744112. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.744112. PMID: 34804931

Health-related quality of life with palbociclib plus endocrine therapy versus capecitabine in postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer: Patient-reported outcomes in the PEARL study. Kahan Z, Gil-Gil M, Ruiz-Borrego M, Carrasco E, Ciruelos E, Munoz M, Bermejo B, Margeli M, Anton A, Casas M, Csoszi T, Murillo L, Morales S, Calvo L, Lang I, Alba E, de la Haba-Rodriguez J, Ramos M, Lopez I, Gal-Yam E, Garcia-Palomo A, Alvarez E, Gonzalez-Santiago S, Rodriguez C, Servitja S, Corsaro M, Rodrigalvarez G, Zielinski C, Martin M. European journal of cancer. 2021 Aug 20;156:70-82. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.07.004. PMID: 34425406

Immune microenvironment characterisation and dynamics during anti-HER2-based neoadjuvant treatment in HER2-positive breast cancer. Griguolo G, Serna G, Pascual T, Fasani R, Guardia X, Chic N, Pare L, Pernas S, Munoz M, Oliveira M, Vidal M, Llombart-Cussac A, Cortes J, Galvan P, Bermejo B, Martinez N, Lopez R, Morales S, Garau I, Manso L, Alarcon J, Martinez E, Villagrasa P, Prat A, Nuciforo P. NPJ Precision Oncology. 2021 Mar 19;5(1):23. doi: 10.1038/s41698-021-00163-6. PMID: 33742063

In the literature: April 2021. Martin-Martorell P, Gonzalez-Barrallo I, Gambardella V, Cejalvo J M, Cervantes A. ESMO open. 2021 Apr 19;6(3):100116. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100116. PMID: 33887688

In the literature: August 2021. Gambardella V, Alfaro-Cervello C, Cejalvo J, Tapia M, Cervantes A. ESMO Open. 2021 Aug 16;6(5):100247. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100247. PMID: 34411970

In the literature: February 2021. Cejalvo J, Gambardella V, Fleitas T, Cervantes A. ESMO Open. 2021 Feb 24;6(2):100061. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100061. PMID: 33639602

In the literature: June 2021. Gambardella V, Candia L, Tapia M, Cejalvo JM, Cervantes A. ESMO open. 2021 Jun;6(3):100186. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100186. PMID: 34098228

Interobserver variability in the assessment of stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) in triple-negative invasive breast carcinoma influences the association with pathological complete response: the IVITA study. Van Bockstal M, Francois A, Altinay S, Arnould L, Balkenhol M, Broeckx G, Burgues O, Colpaert C, Dedeurwaerdere F, Dessauvagie B, Duwel V, Floris G, Fox S, Gerosa C, Hastir D, Jaffer S, Kurpershoek E, Lacroix-Triki M, Laka A, Lambein K, MacGrogan G, Marchio C, Martinez M, Nofech-Mozes S, Peeters D, Ravarino A, Reisenbichler E, Resetkova E, Sanati S, Schelfhout A, Schelfhout V, Shaaban A, Sinke R, Stanciu-Pop C, van Deurzen C, van de Vijver K, Van Rompuy A, Vincent-Salomon A, Wen H, Wong S, Bouzin C, Galant C. Modern Pathology. 2021 Dec;34(12):2130-2140. doi: 10.1038/s41379-021-00865-z. PMID: 34218258

Molecular profiling of advanced solid tumours. The impact of experimental molecular-matched therapies on cancer patient outcomes in early-phase trials: the MAST study. Gambardella V, Lombardi P, Carbonell-Asins JA, Tarazona N, Cejalvo JM, Gonzalez-Barrallo I, Martin-Arana J, Tebar-Martinez R, Viala A, Bruixola G, Hernando C, Blasco I, Papaccio F, Martinez-Ciarpaglini C, Alfaro-Cervello C, Seda-Garcia E, Blesa S, Chirivella I, Castillo J, Monton-Bueno JV, Rosello S, Huerta M, Perez-Fidalgo A, Martin-Martorell P, Insa-Molla A, Fleitas T, Rentero-Garrido P, Zuniga-Trejos S, Cervantes A, Roda D. British Journal of Cancer. 2021 Oct;125(9):1261-1269. doi: 10.1038/s41416-021-01502-x. PMID: 34493820

Nanoporous Anodic Alumina-Based Sensor for miR-99a-5p Detection as an Effective Early Breast Cancer Diagnostic Tool. Garrido-Cano I, Pla L, Santiago-Felipe S, Simon S, Ortega B, Bermejo B, Lluch A, Cejalvo J, Eroles P, Martinez-Manez R. ACS Sensors. 2021 Mar 26;6(3):1022-1029. doi: 10.1021/acssensors.0c02222. PMID: 33599490

Neoadjuvant eribulin in HER2-negative early-stage breast cancer (SOLTI-1007-NeoEribulin): a multicenter, two-cohort, non-randomized phase II trial. Pascual T, Oliveira M, Villagrasa P, Ortega V, Pare L, Bermejo B, Morales S, Amillano K, Lopez R, Galvan P, Canes J, Salvador F, Nuciforo P, Rubio IT, Llombart-Cussac A, Di Cosimo S, Baselga J, Harbeck N, Prat A, Cortes J. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Nov 25;7(1):145. doi: 10.1038/s41523-021-00351-4. PMID: 34824288

Oral Selective Estrogen Receptor Degraders (SERDs) as a novel breast cancer therapy: present and future from a clinical perspective. Hernando C, Ortega-Morillo B, Tapia M, Moragon S, Martinez M, Eroles P, Garrido-Cano I, Adam-Artigues A, Lluch A, Bermejo B, Cejalvo J. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Jul 22;22(15):7812. doi: 10.3390/ijms22157812. PMID: 34360578

Palbociclib in combination with endocrine therapy versus capecitabine in hormonal receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor 2-negative, aromatase inhibitor-resistant metastatic breast cancer: a phase III randomised controlled trial-PEARL. Martin M, Zielinski C, Ruiz-Borrego M, Carrasco E, Turner N, Ciruelos E, Munoz M, Bermejo B, Margeli M, Anton A, Kahan Z, Csoszi T, Casas M, Murillo L, Morales S, Alba E, Gal-Yam E, Guerrero-Zotano A, Calvo L, Haba-Rodriguez J, Ramos M, Alvarez I, Garcia-Palomo A, Bartlett C, Koehler M, Caballero R, Corsaro M, Huang X, Garcia-Saenz J, Chacon J, Swift C, Thallinger C, Gil-Gil M. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. 2021 Apr;32(4):488-499. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2020.12.013. PMID: 33385521

Pembrolizumab plus eribulin in hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative, locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer (KELLY): An open-label, multicentre, single-arm, phase Ⅱ trial. Perez-Garcia JM, Llombart-Cussac A, Cortes MG, Curigliano G, Lopez-Miranda E, Alonso JL, Bermejo B, Calvo L, Caranana V, de la Cruz Sanchez S, Vazquez RM, Prat A, Borrego MR, Sampayo-Cordero M, Segui-Palmer MA, Soberino J, Malfettone A, Schmid P, Cortes J. European Journal of Cancer. 2021 May;148:382-394. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.02.028. PMID: 33794440

Preclinical and clinical characterization of fibroblast-derived neuregulin-1 on trastuzumab and pertuzumab activity in HER2-positive breast cancer. Guardia C, Bianchini G, Arpi-LLucia O, Menendez S, Casadevall D, Galbardi B, Dugo M, Servitja S, Montero J, Soria-Jimenez L, Sabbaghi M, Pena R, Madoz-Gurpide J, Lloveras B, Lluch A, Eroles P, Arribas J, Pandiella A, Gianni L, Rojo F, Rovira A, Albanell J. Clinical Cancer Research. 2021 Sep 15;27(18):5096-5108. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-2915. PMID:34385295

Predictive and prognostic value of total tumor load in sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant treatment using one-step nucleic acid amplification: the NEOVATTL study. Vieites B, Lopez-Garcia M, Martin-Salvago M, Ramirez-Tortosa C, Rezola R, Sancho M, Lopez-Vilaro L, Villardell F, Burgues O, Fernandez-Rodriguez B, Alfaro L, Peg V. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2021 Jul;23(7):1377-1385. doi: 10.1007/s12094-020-02530-4. PMID: 33517542

Prevalence and clinicopathological characteristics of moderate and high-penetrance genes in non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer high-risk Spanish families. Fonfria M, Jimenez I, Tena I, Chirivella I, Richart-Aznar P, Segura A, Sanchez-Heras A, Martinez-Duenas E. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021 Jun 12;11(6):548. doi: 10.3390/jpm11060548. PMID: 34204722

Selective AKT kinase inhibitor capivasertib in combination with fulvestrant in PTEN-mutant ER-positive metastatic breast cancer. Smyth LM, Batist G, Meric-Bernstam F, Kabos P, Spanggaard I, Lluch A, Jhaveri K, Varga A, Wong A, Schram AM, Ambrose H, Carr TH, de Bruin EC, Salinas-Souza C, Foxley A, Hauser J, Lindemann JPO, Maudsley R, McEwen R, Moschetta M, Nikolaou M, Schiavon G, Razavi P, Banerji U, Baselga J, Hyman DM, Chandarlapaty S. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Apr 16;7(1):44. doi: 10.1038/s41523-021-00251-7. PMID: 33863913

Sentinel lymph node BIOPSY after neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients with lymph node involvement at diagnosis. Could wire localization of clipped node improve our results?. Alarcon M, Buch E, Julve A, Hernandorena M, Tajahuerce M, Rodriguez H, Bermejo B, Ramirez J, Burgues O, Diaz S, Alcala G, Ortega J. Surgeon. 2021 Dec;19(6):344-350. doi: 10.1016/j.surge.2021.01.013. PMID: 33663946

SOLTI-1805 TOT-HER3 study concept: a window-of-opportunity trial of patritumab deruxtecan, a her3 directed antibody drug conjugate, in patients with early breast cancer. Pascual T, Oliveira M, Ciruelos E, Ezquerra M, Saura C, Gavila J, Pernas S, Munoz M, Vidal M, Vila M, Cejalvo J, Gonzalez-Farre B, Espinosa-Bravo M, Cruz J, Salvador-Bofill F, Guerra J, Barrera A, de Dios M, Esker S, Fan P, Martinez-Saez O, Villacampa G, Pare L, Ferrero-Cafiero J, Villagrasa P, Prat A. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021 Apr 23;11:638482. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.638482. PMID: 33968735

Targeted therapy modulates the secretome of cancer-associated fibroblasts to induce resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer. Luque M, Sanz-Alvarez M, Santamaria A, Zazo S, Cristobal I, de la Fuente L, Minguez P, Eroles P, Rovira A, Albanell J, Madoz-Gurpide J, Rojo F. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Dec 10;22(24):13297. doi: 10.3390/ijms222413297. PMID: 34948097

Ten-year assessment of a cancer fast-track programme to connect primary care with oncology: reducing time from initial symptoms to diagnosis and treatment initiation. Martinez MT, Monton-Bueno J, Simon S, Ortega B, Moragon S, Rosello S, Insa A, Navarro J, Sanmartin A, Julve A, Buch E, Pena A, Franco J, Martinez-Jabaloyas J, Marco J, Forner MJ, Cano A, Silvestre A, Teruel A, Lluch A, Cervantes A, Chirivella Gonzalez I. ESMO open. 2021 May 11;6(3):100148. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100148. PMID: 33989988

Trajectories of alcohol consumption during life and the risk of developing breast cancer. Donat-Vargas C, Guerrero-Zotano A, Casas A, Baena-Canada J, Lope V, Antolin S, Garcia-Saenz J, Bermejo B, Munoz M, Ramos M, de Juan A, Sanchez C, Sanchez-Rovira P, Anton A, Brunet J, Gavila J, Salvador J, Arellano E, Bezares S, de Larrea-Baz N, Perez-Gomez B, Martin M, Pollan M. British Journal of Cancer. 2021 Oct;125(8):1168-1176. doi: 10.1038/s41416-021-01492-w. PMID: 34483338

Referencia: PMP22/00032
Título: Integrating longitudinal patient-generated data and multi-omic profiling for comprehensive precision oncology in womens’ cancers
Entidad Financiadora: Centro Nacional Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Financiado por la Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU
Investigador principal: Miguel Ángel Quintela
Duración: 2023 – 2025
Presupuesto: 70482,5
Referencia: PI21/01351
Título: Predicción de enfermedad residual después de la terapia neoadyuvante en cáncer de mama HER2 positivo e identificación de estrategias para superar la resistencia
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Pilar Eroles Asensio
Duración: 2022 – 2024
Presupuesto: 123.420 €
Referencia: 965231-REBECCA
Título: REsearch on BrEast Cancer induced chronic conditions supported by Causal Analysis of multi-source data
Entidad Financiadora: European Commission
Investigador principal: Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis
Duración: 2021 – 2025
Presupuesto: 466.125,00 €
Referencia: PI18/00817
Título: Caracterización molecular del cáncer de mama gestacional
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Juan de la Haba Rodríguez
Duración: 2019 – 2021
Presupuesto: 146.159,53
Referencia: PI18/01219
Título: Caracterización y repercusión terapéutica de la ecología de cáncer de mama HER2 positivo
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Pilar Eroles Asensio
Duración: 2019 – 2021
Presupuesto: 112.530 €
Referencia: CB16/12/00481
Título: CIBER Cáncer de mama
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Ana Lluch Hernández, Emilio Alba Conejo
Duración: 2017 – 2021
Referencia: COST Action CA15204
Título: European Platform for Outcomes Research into Perioperative Interventions during Surgery for Cancer
Entidad Financiadora: European Commission
Investigador principal: Pilar Eroles Asensio
Duración: 2016 – 2020
+ Información
SEOM-GEICAM-SOLTI clinical guidelines for early-stage breast cancer (2022). Ayala de la Pena F, Antolin Novoa S, Gavila Gregori J, Gonzalez Cortijo L, Henao Carrasco F, Martinez Martinez M, Morales Estevez C, Stradella A, Vidal Losada M, Ciruelos E. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Sep;25(9):2647-2664. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03215-4. PMID: 37326826

SEOM clinical guideline on heritable TP53-related cancer syndrome (2022). Sanchez-Heras A, Cajal T, Pineda M, Aguirre E, Grana B, Chirivella I, Balmana J, Brunet J. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Sep;25(9):2627-2633. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03202-9. PMID: 37133731

Correction: SEOM-GEICAM-SOLTI clinical guidelines for early-stage breast cancer (2022). De la Pena F, Novoa S, Gregori J, Cortijo L, Carrasco F, Martinez M, Estevez C, Stradella A, Losada M, Ciruelos E. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2023 Oct 30. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03334-y. PMID: 37902930

SEOM clinical guideline for treatment of kidney cancer (2019). Lazaro M, Valderrama B, Suarez C, De-Velasco G, Beato C, Chirivella González I, Gonzalez-del-Alba A, Lainez N, Mendez-Vidal M, Arranz J. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2020 Feb;22(2):256-269. doi: 10.1007/s12094-019-02285-7. PMID: 31993962

SEOM clinical guideline for treatment of kidney cancer (2017) (vol 20, pg 47, 2018). Gallardo E, Méndez-Vidal MJ, Pérez-Gracia JL, Sepúlveda-Sánchez JM, Campayo M, Chirivella-González I, García-Del-Muro X, González-Del-Alba A, Grande E, Suárez C. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2019 May;21(5):692-693. doi: 10.1007/s12094-019-02058-2. PMID: 30798511

Título: Overcoming resistance to HER2 blockade in breast cancer: AXL as a promising druggable target and prognostic biomarker
Doctorando: Adam Artigues, Anna
Director: Lluch Hernández, Ana; Eroles Asensio, Pilar
Fecha: 12/04/2022
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: translating molecular findings into clinical tool
Doctorando: Garrido Cano, Iris
Director: Eroles Asensio, Pilar; Martínez Máñez, Ramón
Fecha: 17/12/2021
Universidad: Universitat Politècnica de València

Título: Involvement of EZH2-MYC loop and SALL4 in epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and trastuzumab resistance process in HER2+ breast cancer
Doctorando: Pattanayak Pattanayak, Chaudhuri Birlipta
Director: Eroles Asensio, Pilar; Cejalvo Andújar, Juan Miguel
Fecha: 26/02/2021
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Estudio de las alteraciones genéticas asociadas con la resistencia al tratamiento neoadyuvante de deprivación estrogénica en cáncer de mama
Doctorando: Guerrero Zotano, Ángel Luis
Director: López Guerrero, José Antonio; Guillem Porta, Vicente; Lluch Hernández, Ana
Fecha: 21/01/2021
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Implicaciones del MAMMI-PET en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de mama. Comparación con los resultados anatomopatológicos y con otras pruebas de imagen
Doctorando: De Andrés Gómez, Alejandra
Director: Fuster Diana, Carlos Alberto; Villalba Ferrer, Francisco Leopoldo; Lluch Hernández, Ana
Fecha: 16/10/2020
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Epigenetic regulation of resistance to treatments in triple negative and HER2+ breast cancer: mirnas involved
Doctorando: Cabello Navarro, Paula
Director: Erolés Asensio, Pilar; Lluch Hernández, Ana
Fecha: 28/09/2020
Universidad: Universitat Politècnica de València

Título: Uncovering the molecular and cellular mechanisms of metastatic dormancy in luminal breast cancer
Doctorando: Cejalvo Andújar, Juan Miguel
Director: Gomis Cabré, Roger; Prat Aparicio, Aleix; Palacín Prieto, Manuel
Fecha: 22/01/2020
Universidad: Universidad de Barcelona

Título: Evaluación de los cambios en la respuesta linfocitaria en el microambiente tumoral como factor pronóstico y predictivo de respuesta a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante del cáncer de mama triple negativo estadio ii-iii
Doctorando: Herrero Vicent, Carmen
Director: Ruiz Simón, Amparo; Calatrava Fons, Ana; Guillem Porta, Vicente; Lluch Hernández, Ana
Fecha: 27/05/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Identificación de biomarcadores circulantes con valor pronóstico y predictivo de respuesta en cáncer de mama triple negativo
Doctorando: Salvador Coloma, Carmen
Director: Lluch Hernández, Ana; Santaballa Bertrán, Ana María; Font de Mora Sainz, Jaime
Fecha: 10/05/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Identificación de los factores clínico-patológicos relacionados con la obtención de la respuesta completa patológica en pacientes con cáncer de mama tratadas con quimioterapia neoadyuvante. Validación del residual cancer burden (rcb) como factor pronóstico
Doctorando: Pons Sanz, Vanesa
Director: Lluch Hernández, Ana; Pérez Fidalgo, Jose Alejandro; Burgués Gasión, Octavio
Fecha: 02/04/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València

Título: Study of the epi-/genomic dysregulation of breast cancer in women under 35 years and evaluation of cellular models
Doctorando: Oltra Sanchis, Sara
Director: Ribas Despuig, Gloria; Lluch Hernández, Ana
Fecha: 18/01/2019
Universidad: Universitat de València