Grupo de Investigación en Enfermedades Respiratorias

Área de Metabolismo y Daño Orgánico

Estudio de complicaciones respiratorias en pacientes con enfermedades neuromusculares. Utilidad de ventilación mecánica y otros soportes respiratorios

Implicación del diagnóstico precoz de las enfermedades obstructivas de las vías respiratorias en el pronóstico y seguimiento de los pacientes. Programa de detección temprana de enfisema. Programa de detección precoz de la deficiencia de alfa 1 antitripsina

Programa de seguimiento precoz de la EPOC con fenotipo agudizador

Programa de control del asma grave

Control de trastornos respiratorios durante el sueño como prevención de factores de riesgo cardiovascular

Diagnóstico precoz de enfermedades respiratorias intersticiales idiopáticas (FPI) y enfermedades secundarias (toxicidad por fármacos y post-TMO)

Dr. Jaime Signes-Costa Miñana
Dr. Jaime Signes-Costa Miñana

R4 Senior

Jaime Signes-Costa Miñana    

R3 Consolidado

Jesús Sancho Chinesta
José Franco Serrano
Mª Cruz González Villaescusa
Mª Luisa Briones Urtiaga

R2 Novel / Emergente

Carmen Muñoz Esteban
Francisco Carrión Valero
José Luis Díaz Cordobés

R1 Predoctoral

Alba Mulet Arabi
Paola Lisseth Ordóñez Gómez
Santos Ferrer Espinosa
Elia Giménez Samblas
Julia Tarrasó Castillo


Nieves Navarro Soriano
Pilar Bañuls Polo
Ana Ferrer Pons
Ana María Ferrer Martí
Andrés Vales Veiga
Antonio Herrera Cuadros
Carlos Alonso Ruzo
Enric Burés Sales
Erick Monclou Garzón
Heidi Mora Bastida
Irene Tur Cruces
Mariam García Alfaro
Miriam Bernaola Garrido
Pablo Royo Simó
Ramón Cercos González
Yolanda García San Juan
Vanesa Alaeddine Marcano
Guillermo Ruiz Matutano

Correction: Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19. Matuozzo D, Talouarn E, Marchal A, et al. Genome Medicine. 2024 Jan 6;16(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s13073-023-01278-0. PMID: 38184654

Characteristics of tobacco use among secondary school students: a cross-sectional study in a school in Valencia, Spain. Ribera-Osca J, Carrion-Valero F, Martin-Gorgojo V, Rando-Matos Y, Martin-Cantera C, Martin-Moreno J. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023 May 3;11:1069294. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1069294. PMID: 37206875

Clinical Practice Guideline of Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) on Pharmacological Treatment of Tobacco Dependence 2023. Rabade-Castedo C, de Granda-Orive J, Riesco-Miranda J, De Higes-Martinez E, Ramos-Pinedo A, Cabrera-Cesar E, Signes-Costa Minana J, Garcia Rueda M, Pastor-Espla E, Jimenez-Ruiz C. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2023 Oct;59(10):651-661. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2023.07.024. PMID: 37567792

Clinical profile and determinants of mortality in patients with interstitial lung disease admitted for COVID-19. Mulet A, Nunez-Gil I, Carbonell J, Soriano J, Viana-Llamas M, Raposeiras-Roubin S, Romero R, Alfonso-Rodriguez E, Uribarri A, Feltes G, Becerra-Munoz V, Santoro F, Pepe M, Castro-Mejia A, Chipayo D, Corbi-Pascual M, Lopez-Pais J, Vedia O, Manzone E, Molina-Romera G, Espejo-Paeres C, Lopez-Masjuan A, Velicki L, Fernandez-Ortiz A, El-Battrawy I, Signes-Costa J, On Behalf Of Hope Team. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Jun 2;12(11):3821. doi: 10.3390/jcm12113821. PMID: 37298018

Correction: Clinical and functional characteristics of individuals with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: EARCO international registry. Miravitlles M, Turner AM, Torres-Duran M, Tanash H, Rodriguez-Garcia C, Lopez-Campos JL, Chlumsky J, Guimaraes C, Rodriguez-Hermosa JL, Corsico A, Martinez-Gonzalez C, Hernandez-Perez JM, Bustamante A, Parr DG, Casas-Maldonado F, Hecimovic A, Janssens W, Lara B, Barrecheguren M, Gonzalez C, Stolk J, Esquinas C, Clarenbach CF. Respiratory Research. 2023 Feb 18;24(1):57. doi: 10.1186/s12931-023-02340-6. PMID: 36800958

Effect of serum from patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction on endothelial cells. Rios-Navarro C, Gavara J, Dios E, Perez-Sole N, Molina-Garcia T, Marcos-Garces V, Ruiz-Sauri A, Bayes-Genis A, Carrion-Valero F, Chorro F, Bodi V. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia (English ed.). 2023 Sep 9;S1885-5857(23)00238-4. doi: 10.1016/j.rec.2023.08.004. PMID: 37696331

Fibrosis biomarkers in a cohort of COVID-19 Patients One Year after Hospital Discharge. Mulet A, Tarraso J, Rodriguez-Borja E, Carbonell-Asins J, Lope-Martinez A, Marti-Martinez A, Murria R, Safont B, Fernandez-Fabrellas E, Ros J, Rodriguez-Portal J, Andreu A, Soriano J, Signes-Costa J. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2023 Sep;69(3):321-327. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2022-0474OC. PMID: 36848314

Frequency and characteristics of asthma in smokers attending smoking cessation units in Spain. Riesco J, Rábade C, Signes-Costa J, Cabrera E, Jimenez C. PLoS One. 2023 Dec 7;18(12):e0294587. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294587. PMID: 38060490

Home noninvasive ventilation in Myasthenia Gravis. Sancho J, Ferrer S, Quezada A, Gimenez E, Signes-Costa J. Respiratory Care. 2023 Nov 7:respcare.11308. doi: 10.4187/respcare.11308. PMID: 37935525

Hypoxia enhances oxidative stress in neutrophils from ZZ Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency patients. Magallon M, Castillo-Corullon S, Banuls L, Pellicer D, Romero T, Martinez-Ferraro C, Navarro-Garcia M, Herrejon A, Gonzalez C, Dasi F. Antioxidants. 2023 Apr 3;12(4):872. doi: 10.3390/antiox12040872. PMID: 37107247

Inhaler adherence in COPD: a crucial step towards the correct. Turegano-Yedro M, Trillo-Calvo E, Ros F, Maya-Viejo J, Villaescusa C, Sustaeta J, Doañ E, Navarrete B. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2023 Dec 4:18:2887-2893. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S431829. PMID: 38059011

Multicentre study on the accuracy of lung ultrasound in the diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory sequelae in the medium and long term in patients with COVID-19. Hernandez C, Gomez A, Fernandez A, Cordovilla R, Ares A, Gomez P, Perez A, Anon O, Ramirez J, Salas M, Pallares J, Pargada D, Ursua F, Rodriguez I, Montaos A, Rial M, Villar A. Frontiers in Medicine. 2023 May 25;10:1199666. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1199666. PMID: 37305128

Persistent pulmonary fibrotic sequelae in patients with telomere shortening one year after severe COVID-19. Mulet A, González-Cabo P, Pallardó FV, Signes-Costa J. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2023 Nov 10:S0300-2896(23)00365-4. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2023.11.003. PMID: 37985282

Post-COVID-19 symptoms and heart disease: incidence, prognostic factors, outcomes and vaccination: results from a multi-center international prospective registry (HOPE 2). Nunez-Gil IJ, Feltes G, Viana-Llamas MC, Raposeiras-Roubin S, Romero R, Alfonso-Rodriguez E, Uribarri A, Santoro F, Becerra-Munoz V, Pepe M, Castro-Mejia AF, Signes-Costa J, Gonzalez A, Marin F, Lopez-Pais J, Cerrato E, Vazquez-Cancela O, Espejo-Paeres C, Lopez Masjuan A, Velicki L, El-Battrawy I, Ramakrishna H, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Perez-Villacastin J. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Jan 16;12(2):706. doi: 10.3390/jcm12020706. PMID: 36675633

Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19. Matuozzo D, Talouarn E, Marchal A, Zhang P, Manry J, Seeleuthner Y, Zhang Y, Bolze A, Chaldebas M, Milisavljevic B, Gervais A, Bastard P, Asano T, Bizien L, Barzaghi F, Abolhassani H, Abou Tayoun A, Aiuti A, Alavi Darazam I, Allende LM, Alonso-Arias R, Arias AA, Aytekin G, Bergman P, Bondesan S, Bryceson YT, Bustos IG, Cabrera-Marante O, Carcel S, Carrera P, Casari G, Chaïbi K, Colobran R, Condino-Neto A, Covill LE, Delmonte OM, El Zein L, Flores C, Gregersen PK, Gut M, Haerynck F, Halwani R, Hancerli S, Hammarström L, Hatipoglu N, Karbuz A, Keles S, Kyheng C, Leon-Lopez R, Franco JL, Mansouri D, Martinez-Picado J, Metin Akcan O, Migeotte I, Morange PE, Morelle G, Martin-Nalda A, Novelli G, Novelli A, Ozcelik T, Palabiyik F, Pan-Hammarström Q, de Diego RP, Planas-Serra L, Pleguezuelo DE, Prando C, Pujol A, Reyes LF, Rivière JG, Rodriguez-Gallego C, Rojas J, Rovere-Querini P, Schlüter A, Shahrooei M, Sobh A, Soler-Palacin P, Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y, Tipu I, Tresoldi C, Troya J, van de Beek D, Zatz M, Zawadzki P, Al-Muhsen SZ, Alosaimi MF, Alsohime FM, Baris-Feldman H, Butte MJ, Constantinescu SN, Cooper MA, Dalgard CL, Fellay J, Heath JR, Lau YL, Lifton RP, Maniatis T, Mogensen TH, von Bernuth H, Lermine A, Vidaud M, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Nussbaum R, Kahn-Kirby A, Mentre F, Tubiana S, Gorochov G, Tubach F, Hausfater P, Meyts I, Zhang SY, Puel A, Notarangelo LD, Boisson-Dupuis S, Su HC, Boisson B, Jouanguy E, Casanova JL, Zhang Q, Abel L, Cobat A. Genome Medicine. 2023 Apr 5;15(1):22. doi: 10.1186/s13073-023-01173-8. PMID: 37020259

Results of phase 2 randomized multi-center study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of infusion of memory T cells as adoptive therapy in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia and/or lymphopenia (RELEASE NCT04578210). Ferreras C, Hernández-Blanco C, Martín-Quirós A, Al-Akioui-Sanz K, Mora-Rillo M, Ibáñez F, Díaz-Almirón M, Cano-Ochando J, Lozano-Ojalvo D, Jiménez-González M, Goterris R, Sánchez-Zapardiel E, de Paz R, Guerra-García P, Queiruga-Parada J, Molina P, Briones ML, Ruz-Caracuel B, Borobia AM, Carcas AJ, Planelles D, Vicario JL, Moreno MÁ, Balas A, Llano M, Llorente A, Del Balzo Á, Cañada C, García MÁ, Calvin ME, Arenas I, Pérez de Diego R, Eguizábal C, Soria B, Solano C, Pérez-Martínez A. Cytotherapy. 2023 Oct 29:S1465-3249(23)01056-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2023.10.002. PMID: 37897472

Short-term changes in peak VO2 after initiation of dapagliflozin in heartfailure across iron status. Lorenzo M, Jacobs-Cachá C, Palau P, Amiguet M, Seller J, Núñez E, Espriella R, Górriz JL, Miñana G, Sanchis J, Bayés-Genis A, Soler MJ, Packer M, Núñez J; DAPA-VO2 Investigators. JACC. Heart Failure. 2023 Nov;11(11):1611-1622. doi: 10.1016/j.jchf.2023.07.010. PMID: 37676213

Stiff-person syndrome with respiratory complications. Gimenez E, Sancho J, Signes-Costa J. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2023 Dec 20:S0300-2896(23)00410-6. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2023.12.008. PMID: 38160164

The DESTINA Study: an observational cross-sectional study to evaluate patient satisfaction and tolerability of cytisine for smoking cessation in spain. Jimenez-Ruiz C, Riesco Miranda J, Martinez Pico A, de Simon Gutierrez R, Signes-Costa Minana J, Diaz Maroto Munoz J, Sellares Torres J. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2023 Apr;59(4):270-272. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2022.11.015. PMID: 36549936

Aspirin therapy on prophylactic anticoagulation for patients hospitalized with COVID-19: a propensity score-matched cohort analysis of the HOPE-COVID-19 Registry. Santoro F, Nunez-Gil I, Vitale E, Viana-Llamas M, Romero R, Eid C, Guzman G, Becerra-Munoz V, Rozas I, Uribarri A, Alfonso-Rodriguez E, Aguado M, Huang J, Mejia A, Prieto J, Elola J, Ugo F, Cerrato E, Signes-Costa J, Roubin S, Mendez J, Paeres C, Masjuan A, Marin F, Guerra F, El-Battrawy I, Cortese B, Ramakrishna H, Perez-Villacastin J, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Brunetti N. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022 Jul 5;11(13):e024530. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.024530. PMID: 35730631

Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with critical influenza pneumonia. Zhang Q, Pizzorno A, Miorin L, Bastard P, Gervais A, Le Voyer T, Bizien L, Manry J, Rosain J, Philippot Q, Goavec K, Padey B, Cupic A, Laurent E, Saker K, Vanker M, Sarekannu K, Garcia-Salum T, Ferres M, Le Corre N, Sanchez-Cespedes J, Balsera-Manzanero M, Carratala J, Retamar-Gentil P, Abelenda-Alonso G, Valiente A, Tiberghien P, Zins M, Debette S, Meyts I, Haerynck F, Castagnoli R, Notarangelo LD, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Dominguez-Pinilla N, Andreakos E, Triantafyllia V, Rodriguez-Gallego C, Sole-Violan J, Ruiz-Hernandez JJ, Rodriguez de Castro F, Ferreres J, Briones M, Wauters J, Vanderbeke L, Feys S, Kuo CY, Lei WT, Ku CL, Tal G, Etzioni A, Hanna S, Fournet T, Casalegno JS, Queromes G, Argaud L, Javouhey E, Rosa-Calatrava M, Cordero E, Aydillo T, Medina RA, Kisand K, Puel A, Jouanguy E, Abel L, Cobat A, Trouillet-Assant S, Garcia-Sastre A, Casanova JL. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2022 Nov 7;219(11):e20220514. doi: 10.1084/jem.20220514. PMID: 36112363

Chronic oral anticoagulation therapy and prognosis of patients admitted to hospital for COVID-19: insights from the HOPE COVID-19 Registry. Rivera-Caravaca J, Nunez-Gil I, Lip G, Uribarri A, Viana-Llamas M, Gonzalez A, Castro-Mejia A, Gonzalez B, Alfonso E, Prieto J, Cavallino C, Cortese B, Feltes G, Fernandez-Rozas I, Signes-Costa J, Huang J, Aguado M, Pepe M, Romero R, Cerrato E, Becerra-Munoz V, Roubin S, Santoro F, Bagur R, Sposato L, El-Battrawy I, Masjuan A, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Estrada V, Macaya C, Marin F. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022 May 26;2022:7325060. doi: 10.1155/2022/7325060. PMID: 35685504

Circulating levels of calprotectin, a signature of neutrophil activation in prediction of severe respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients: a multicenter, prospective study (CalCov study). Garcia de Guadiana-Romualdo L, Rodriguez Rojas C, Morell-Garcia D, Andaluz-Ojeda D, Rodriguez Mulero M, Rodriguez-Borja E, Ballesteros-Vizoso A, Calvo M, Albert-Botella L, Pozo Giraldez A, Llompart-Alabern I, Bolado Jimenez C, Hernandez Olivo M, Fernandez Presa L, Ortega-Perez J, Fora Romero M, Campos-Rodriguez V, Ballester Ferriz A, Guiu-Marti A, Pinilla Arribas L, Galindo Martinez M, Puerto-Lara E, Lopez Tarazaga A, Ros Braquehais M, Nogales Martin L, Juez Santamaria C, Trapiello Fernandez W, Espinilla Fernandez V, Havelka A, Albaladejo-Oton M. Inflammation research. 2022 Jan;71(1):57-67. doi: 10.1007/s00011-021-01516-4. PMID: 34718856

Clinical and economic impact of long-term inhaled corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with Triple Therapy in Spain. Garcia V, Vallejo-Aparicio L, Ismaila A, Sicras-Mainar A, Sicras-Navarro A, Gonzalez C, Cuervo R, Shukla S, Garcia-Penuela M. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2022 Sep 7;17:2161-2174. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S367708. PMID: 36101793

Clinical and functional characteristics of individuals with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: EARCO international registry. Miravitlles M, Turner AM, Torres-Duran M, Tanash H, Rodríguez-García C, López-Campos JL, Chlumsky J, Guimaraes C, Rodríguez-Hermosa JL, Corsico A, Martinez-González C, Hernández-Pérez JM, Bustamante A, Parr DG, Casas-Maldonado F, Hecimovic A, Janssens W, Lara B, Barrecheguren M, González C, Stolk J, Esquinas C, Clarenbach CF. Respiratory Research. 2022 Dec 16;23(1):352. doi: 10.1186/s12931-022-02275-4. PMID: 36527073

COVID-19 vaccination improved psychological distress (anxiety and depression scores) in chronic kidney disease patients: a prospective study. Garcia-Llana H, Panizo N, Gandia L, Orti M, Gimenez-Civera E, Forquet C, D’Marco L, Puchades M, Sargsyan M, Sanchis I, Ribera C, Marco M, Ferra C, Perez-Baylach C, Bonilla B, Frances F, Perez-Bernat E, Sancho A, Gorriz J. Vaccines. 2022 Feb 16;10(2):299. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10020299. PMID: 35214757

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with α1-antitrypsin deficiency genotypes PI*ZZ and PI*SZ in the Spanish registry of EARCO. Torres-Durán M, López-Campos JL, Rodríguez-Hermosa JL, Esquinas C, Martínez-González C, Hernández-Pérez JM, Rodríguez C, Bustamante A, Casas-Maldonado F, Barrecheguren M, González C, Miravitlles M. ERJ Open Research. 2022 Sep 26;8(3):00213-2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00213-2022. PMID: 36171983

Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-Spike-reactive antibody and T-cell responses in chronic kidney disease patients within 3 months after COVID-19 full vaccination. Panizo N, Albert E, Gimenez-Civera E, Puchades M, D’Marco L, Gandia-Salmeron L, Gimenez E, Torre I, Sancho A, Gavela E, Gonzalez-Rico M, Montomoli M, Perez-Baylach C, Bonilla B, Solano C, Alvarado M, Torregrosa I, Alcaraz M, Gorriz J, Navarro D. Clinical Kidney Journal. 2022 Apr 9;15(8):1562-1573. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfac093. PMID: 35880064

Effect of a home-based inspiratory muscle training programme on functional capacity in postdischarged patients with long COVID: the InsCOVID trial. Palau P, Dominguez E, Gonzalez C, Bondia E, Albiach C, Sastre C, Martinez M, Nunez J, Lopez L. BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2022 Dec;9(1):e001439. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001439. PMID: 36549786

Effect of a home-based inspiratory muscular training programme on functional capacity in patients with chronic COVID-19 after a hospital discharge: protocol for a randomised control trial (InsCOVID trial). Palau P, Dominguez E, Sastre C, Martinez M, Gonzalez C, Bondia E, Albiach C, Nunez J, Lopez L. BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2022 Jul;9(1):e001255. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001255. PMID: 35790316

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and telomeres. Mulet A, Signes-Costa J. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Nov 22;11(23):6893. doi: 10.3390/jcm11236893. PMID: 36498467

Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension (vol 12, 5289, 2022). Guillen-Del-Castillo A, Meseguer M, Fonollosa-Pla V, Gimenez B, Colunga-Arguelles D, Revilla-Lopez E, Rubio-Rivas M, Ropero M, Argibay A, Barbera J, Salas X, Menaca A, Vuelta A, Padron A, Comet L, Morera J, Gonzalez-Echavarri C, Mombiela T, Ortego-Centeno N, Gonzalez M, Tolosa-Vilella C, Blanco I, Subias P, Simeon-Aznar C. Scientific Reports. 2022 Jul 28;12(1):12947. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-17525-0. PMID: 35902683

Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Guillen-Del-Castillo A, Meseguer M, Fonollosa-Pla V, Gimenez B, Colunga-Arguelles D, Revilla-Lopez E, Rubio-Rivas M, Ropero M, Argibay A, Mir J, Salas X, Menaca A, Vuelta A, Padron A, Comet L, Morera J, Gonzalez-Echavarri C, Mombiela T, Ortego-Centeno N, Gonzalez M, Tolosa-Vilella C, Blanco I, Subias P, Simeon-Aznar C, RESCLE Consortium, REHAP Consortium. Scientific Reports. 2022 Mar 28;12(1):5289. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09353-z. PMID: 35347225

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a cancer fast-track programme. Martinez M, Moragon S, Ortega-Morillo B, Monton-Bueno J, Simon S, Rosello S, Insa A, Viala A, Navarro J, Sanmartin A, Fluixa C, Julve A, Soriano D, Buch E, Pena A, Franco J, Martinez-Jabaloyas J, Marco J, Forner M, Cano A, Silvestre A, Teruel A, Bermejo B, Cervantes A, Chirivella Gonzalez I. Cancer Control. 2022 Jan-Dec;29:10732748221131000. doi: 10.1177/10732748221131000. PMID: 36355430

Initial SARS-CoV-2 RNA load in nasopharyngeal specimens is not associated with severity and midterm resolution of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients. Costa R, Signes-Costa J, Olea B, Tarraso J, Carbonell N, Blasco M, Navarro D. Journal of Infection. 2022 Dec;85(6):702-769. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2022.10.031. PMID: 36346264

International consensus document on obstructive sleep apnea. Mediano O, Gonzalez Mangado N, Montserrat J, Alonso-Alvarez M, Almendros I, Alonso-Fernandez A, Barbe F, Borsini E, Caballero-Eraso C, Cano-Pumarega I, de Carlos Villafranca F, Carmona-Bernal C, Carrillo Alduenda J, Chiner E, Cordero Guevara J, de Manuel L, Duran-Cantolla J, Farre R, Franceschini C, Gaig C, Garcia Ramos P, Garcia-Rio F, Garmendia O, Gomez Garcia T, Gonzalez Pondal S, Hoyo Rodrigo M, Lecube A, Antonio Madrid J, Maniegas Lozano L, Martinez Carrasco J, Masa J, Masdeu Margalef M, Mayos Perez M, Mirabet Lis E, Monasterio C, Navarro Soriano N, Olea de la Fuente E, Plaza G, Puertas Cuesta F, Rabec C, Resano P, Rigau D, Roncero A, Ruiz C, Salord N, Saltijeral A, Sampol Rubio G, Sanchez Quiroga M, Sans Capdevila O, Teixeira C, Tinahones Madueno F, Maria Togeiro S, Troncoso Acevedo M, Vargas Ramirez L, Winck J, Zabala Urionaguena N, Egea C. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2022 Jan;58(1):T52-T68. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.03.027. PMID: 35245183

International Consensus Document on obstructive sleep apnea. Mediano O, Gonzalez Mangado N, Montserrat J, Alonso-Alvarez M, Almendros I, Alonso-Fernandez A, Barbe F, Borsini E, Caballero-Eraso C, Cano-Pumarega I, de Carlos Villafranca F, Carmona-Bernal C, Carrillo Alduenda J, Chiner E, Cordero Guevara J, de Manuel L, Duran-Cantolla J, Farre R, Franceschini C, Gaig C, Garcia Ramos P, Garcia-Rio F, Garmendia O, Gomez Garcia T, Gonzalez Pondal S, Hoyo Rodrigo M, Lecube A, Madrid J, Maniegas Lozano L, Martinez Carrasco J, Masa J, Masdeu Margalef M, Mayos Perez M, Mirabet Lis E, Monasterio C, Navarro Soriano N, Olea de la Fuente E, Plaza G, Puertas Cuesta F, Rabec C, Resano P, Rigau D, Roncero A, Ruiz C, Salord N, Saltijeral A, Sampol Rubio G, Sanchez Quiroga M, Sans Capdevila O, Teixeira C, Tinahones Madueno F, Maria Togeiro S, Troncos Acevedo M, Vargas Ramirez L, Winck J, Zabala Urionaguena N, Egea C, el Spanish Sleep Network. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2022 Jan;58(1):52-68. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.03.017. PMID: 33875282

Las unidades de deshabituacion tabaquica como oportunidad para el diagnostico de EPOC: el proyecto 1000-200. Lopez-Campos JL, Jimenez-Ruiz CA, Meneses Petersen ED, Rabade Castedo C, Asensio Sanchez S, Vaquero Lozano P, Ferrer Espinosa S, Perez Soriano MP, de Higes Martinez E, Garcia de Llanos C, Pastor Espla E, Cabrera Cesar E, Mogrovejo S, Riesco Miranda JA, Barrueco Ferrero M, Callejas Gonzalez FJ, Sandoval Contreras R, Pena Miguel T, Peris Cardells R, Gonzalez Dou MV, Guzman Aguilar JM, Amado CA, Gorordo Unzueta MI, Rois Seijas P, Martinez Muniz MA, Naval Sendra E, Granda-Orive JI, Signes-Costa J. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2022 Mar;58(3):264-267. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.05.013. PMID: 34158184

Lung fibrosis and fibrosis in the lungs: is it all about myofibroblasts?. Ortiz-Zapater E, Signes-Costa J, Montero P, Roger I. Biomedicines. 2022 Jun 15;10(6):1423. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10061423. PMID: 35740444

Lung function and radiological findings 1 year after COVID-19: a prospective follow-up. Tarraso J, Safont B, Carbonell-Asins JA, Fernandez-Fabrellas E, Sancho-Chust JN, Naval E, Amat B, Herrera S, Ros JA, Soler-Cataluna JJ, Rodriguez-Portal JA, Andreu AL, Marin M, Rodriguez-Hermosa JL, Gonzalez-Villaescusa C, Soriano JB, Signes-Costa J. Respiratory Research. 2022 Sep 12;23(1):242. doi: 10.1186/s12931-022-02166-8. PMID: 36096801

Lung function, radiological findings and biomarkers of fibrogenesis in a cohort of COVID-19 patients six months after hospital discharge. Safont B, Tarraso J, Rodriguez-Borja E, Fernandez-Fabrellas E, Sancho-Chust JN, Molina V, Lopez-Ramirez C, Lope-Martinez A, Cabanes L, Andreu A, Herrera S, Lahosa C, Ros JA, Rodriguez-Hermosa JL, Soriano JB, Moret-Tatay I, Carbonell-Asins JA, Mulet A, Signes-Costa J. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2022 Feb;58(2):142-149. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.08.014. PMID: 34497426

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation for COVID-19: results from a randomized controlled trial (SAVIOR I). Tornero C, Pastor E, Garzando M, Orduna J, Forner M, Bocigas I, Cedeno D, Vallejo R, McClure C, Czura C, Liebler E, Staats P. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022 Apr 8;13:820864. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.820864. PMID: 35463130

Pulmonologists’ opinion on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in spain: a cross-sectional survey. Miravitlles M, Gonzalez-Torralba F, Represas-Represas C, Pomares X, Marquez-Martin E, Gonzalez C, Amado C, Forne C, Alonso S, Alcazar B, Barrecheguren M, Mirete J, Naval E. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2022 Jul 12;17:1577-1587. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S369118. PMID: 35855745

Renal histologic findings in necropsies of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. D’Marco L, Puchades M, Escudero-Saiz V, Gimenez-Civera E, Terradez L, Moscardo A, Carbonell-Asins J, Perez-Bernat E, Torregrosa I, Moncho F, Navarro J, Gorriz J. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2022 Sep 6;2022:3893853. doi: 10.1155/2022/3893853. PMID: 36110834

SARS-CoV-2-spike antibody and T-Cell responses elicited by a homologous third mRNA COVID-19 dose in hemodialysis and kidney transplant recipients. Panizo N, Gimenez E, Albert E, Zulaica J, Rodriguez-Moreno A, Rusu L, Gimenez-Civera E, Puchades M, D’Marco L, Gandia-Salmeron L, Torres I, Sancho A, Gavela E, Gonzalez-Rico M, Montomoli M, Perez-Baylach C, Bonilla B, Solano C, Alvarado M, Torregrosa I, Gonzales-Candia B, Alcaraz M, Geller R, Gorriz J, Navarro D. Microorganisms. 2022 Nov 16;10(11):2275. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10112275. PMID: 36422345

Smoking cessation units as a source of COPD diagnoses: Project 1000-200. Lopez-Campos J, Jimenez-Ruiz C, Meneses Petersen E, Rabade Castedo C, Asensio Sanchez S, Vaquero Lozano P, Ferrer Espinosa S, Perez Soriano M, de Higes Martinez E, Garcia de Llanos C, Pastor Espla E, Cabrera Cesar E, Mogrovejo S, Riesco Miranda J, Barrueco Ferrero M, Callejas Gonzalez F, Sandoval Contreras R, Pena Miguel T, Peris Cardells R, Gonzalez Dou M, Guzman Aguilar J, Amado C, Gorordo Unzueta M, Rois Seijas P, Martinez Muniz M, Naval Sendra E, Granda-Orive J, Signes-Costa J. Archivos de Bronconeumología. 2022 Mar;58(3):T264-T267. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.05.031. PMID: 35312495

The radiographic assessment of lung edema score of lung edema severity correlates with inflammatory parameters in patients with coronavirus disease 2019-Potential new admission biomarkers to predict coronavirus disease 2019 worsening. Marques P, Fernandez-Presa L, Carretero A, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Viña J, Signes-Costa J, Sanz MJ. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022 Aug 11;9:871714. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.871714. PMID: 36035415

Waveforms analysis in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for enhanced efficacy of mechanically assisted coughing. Sancho J, Ferrer S, Bures E, Fernandez-Presa L, Banuls P, Gonzalez MC, Signes-Costa J. Respiratory Care. 2022 Oct;67(10):1226-1235. doi: 10.4187/respcare.09978. PMID: 35790394

Adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 in recovered severe COVID-19 patients. Olea B, Albert E, Torres I, Amat P, Remigia M, Gozalbo-Rovira R, Rodriguez-Diaz J, Buesa J, Blasco M, Redon J, Signes-Costa J, Navarro D. Journal of Clinical Virology. 2021 Sep;142:104943. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2021.104943. PMID: 34391981

Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in ~ 4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for ~ 20% of COVID-19 deaths. Bastard P, Gervais A, Le Voyer T,et al. Science Immunology. 2021 Aug 19;6(62):eabl4340. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abl4340. PMID: 34413139

Clinical profile and predictors of in-hospital mortality among older patients admitted for COVID-19. Becerra-Munoz V, Nunez-Gil I, Eid C, Aguado M, Romero R, Huang J, Mulet Arabi A, Ugo F, Rametta F, Liebetrau C, Aparisi A, Fernandez-Rozas I, Viana-Llamas M, Feltes G, Pepe M, Moreno-Rondon L, Cerrato E, Raposeiras-Roubin S, Alfonso E, Carrero-Fernandez A, Buzon-Martin L, Abumayyaleh M, Gonzalez A, Ortiz A, Macaya C, Estrada V, Fernandez-Perez C, Gomez-Doblas J. Age and Ageing. 2021 Feb 26;50(2):326-334. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa258. PMID: 33201181

COVID-19 and the impact of arterial hypertension-An analysis of the international HOPE COVID-19 Registry (Italy-Spain-Germany). El-Battrawy I, Nunez-Gil I, Abumayyaleh M, Estrada V, Becerra-Munoz V, Uribarri A, Fernandez-Rozas I, Feltes G, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Trabattoni D, Lopez-Pais J, Pepe M, Romero R, Castro-Mejia A, Cerrato E, Astrua T, D’Ascenzo F, Fabregat-Andres O, Signes-Costa J, Marin F, Buonsenso D, Bardaji A, Tellez M, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Macaya C, Akin I. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021 Aug 19;e13582. doi: 10.1111/eci.13582. PMID: 34409593

COVID-19 and Tobacco. Rabade Castedo C, Signes-Costa J, Jimenez-Ruiz C. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2021 Jan;57 Suppl 1:5-6. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2020.07.014. PMID: 32917432

Does there exist an obesity paradox in COVID-19? Insights of the international HOPE-COVID-19-registry. Abumayyaleh M, Nunez Gil I, El-Battrawy I, Estrada V, Becerra-Munoz V, Aparisi A, Fernandez-Rozas I, Feltes G, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Trabattoni D, Lopez-Pais J, Pepe M, Romero R, Garcia D, Biole C, Astrua T, Eid C, Alfonso E, Fernandez-Presa L, Espejo C, Buonsenso D, Raposeiras S, Fernandez C, Macaya C, Akin I, HOPE COVID-19 investigators. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. 2021;15(3):275-280. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2021.02.008. PMID: 33741308

Effect of one-year dextromethorphan/quinidine treatment on management of respiratory impairment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Sancho J, Ferrer S, Bures E, Diaz JL, Torrecilla T, Signes-Costa J, Servera E. Respiratory Medicine. 2021 Jul 7;186:106536. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2021.106536. PMID: 34260979

Efficacy and safety of baricitinib for the treatment of hospitalised adults with COVID-19 (COV-BARRIER): a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Marconi V, Ramanan A, de Bono S, Kartman C, Krishnan V, Liao R, Piruzeli M, Goldman J, Alatorre-Alexander J, de Cassia Pellegrini R, Estrada V, Som M, Cardoso A, Chakladar S, Crowe B, Reis P, Zhang X, Adams D, Ely E, COV-BARRIER Study Group. Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2021; 9(12): 1407-1418. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00331-3. PMID: 34480861

Frailty assessment in a stable COPD cohort: is there a COPD-frail phenotype?. Naval E, Cruz Gonzalez M, Giraldos S, Calatayud J, Jornet M, Lluch I, Meseguer M, Ruiz Cubillan JJ, Vina J, Tarazona-Santabalbina FJ. COPD-Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2021 Oct;18(5):525-532. doi: 10.1080/15412555.2021.1975670. PMID: 34503389

Gender differences in the presentation and outcomes of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Biole C, Bianco M, Nunez-Gil IJ, Cerrato E, Spirito A, Raposeiras Roubin S, Viana-Llamas MC, Gonzalez A, Castro-Mejia AF, Maroun Eid C, Fernandez-Perez C, Uribarri A, Alfonso-Rodriguez E, Ugo F, Guerra F, Feltes G, Akin I, Fernandez-Rozas I, Blasco-Angulo N, Huang J, Garcia Aguado M, Pepe M, Romero R, Becerra-Munoz VM, Estrada V, Macaya C. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2021 Jun;16(6):349-352. doi: 10.12788/jhm.3594. PMID: 34129486

Healthcare professionals and tobacco industry: making the space. Jimenez-Ruiz C, Signes-Costa Minana J, Garcia Rueda M. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2021 Apr 15;S0300-2896(21)00120-4. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.04.002. PMID: 33958233

Long-term leg ulcers resistant to antibiotic therapy. Palomares-Casasus S, Perez-Santiago L, Marti-Fernandez R, Gimenez-Civera E, Mata-Cano D, Garcia-Botello S. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. 2021 Aug;46(6):1150-1153. doi: 10.1111/ced.14717. PMID: 34120360

Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation With Oscillations in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis With Home Ventilation via Tracheostomy. Sancho Chinesta J, Bures Sales E, Ferrer Espinosa S, Lahosa Córdoba C, Signes-Costa Miñana J, Servera Pieras E. Respiratory Care. 2021 Mar;66(3):378-383. doi: 10.4187/respcare.08145. PMID: 33082217

Mortality risk assessment in Spain and Italy, insights of the HOPE COVID-19 registry. Nunez-Gil I, Fernandez-Perez C, Estrada V, Becerra-Munoz V, El-Battrawy I, Uribarri A, Fernandez-Rozas I, Feltes G, Viana-Llamas M, Trabattoni D, Lopez-Pais J, Pepe M, Romero R, Castro-Mejia A, Cerrato E, Astrua T, D’Ascenzo F, Fabregat-Andres O, Moreu J, Guerra F, Signes-Costa Miñana J, Marin F, Buosenso D, Bardaji A, Raposeiras-Roubin S, Elola J, Molino A, Gomez-Doblas J, Abumayyaleh M, Aparisi A, Molina M, Guerri A, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Assanelli E, Mapelli M, Garcia-Acuna J, Brindicci G, Manzone E, Ortega-Armas M, Bianco M, Trung C, Nunez M, Castellanos-Lluch C, Garcia-Vazquez E, Cabello-Clotet N, Jamhour-Chelh K, Tellez M, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Macaya C, HOPE COVID-19 Investigators. Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2021 Jun;16(4):957-966. doi: 10.1007/s11739-020-02543-5. PMID: 33165755

Mouthpiece ventilation in neuromuscular disorders: Narrative review of technical issues important for clinical success. Toussaint M, Chatwin M, Goncalves M, Gonzalez-Bermejo J, Benditt J, McKim D, Sancho J, Hov B, Sansone V, Prigent H, Carlucci A, Wijkstra P, Garabelli B, Escarrabill J, Pinto T, Audag N, Verweij-van den Oudenrijn L, Ogna A, Hughes W, Devaux C, Chaulet J, Andersen T, ENMC Respiratory Therapy Consortium, ENMC Respiratory Therapy Consortium. Respiratory medicine. 2021 Mar 24;180:106373. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2021.106373. PMID: 33798870

Non-invasive ventilation for SARS-CoV-2 acute respiratory failure: a subanalysis from the HOPE COVID-19 registry. Bertaina M, Nunez-Gil I, Franchin L, Rozas I, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Viana-Llamas M, Romero R, Eid C, Uribarri A, Becerra-Munoz V, Huang J, Alfonso E, Marmol-Mosquera F, Ugo F, Cerrato E, Fernandez-Presa L, Roubin S, Guzman G, Gonzalez A, Abumayyaleh M, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Macaya C, Estrada V, Hope COVID-19 Investigators. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2021 May;38(5):359-365. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2020-210411. PMID: 33727235

Oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress in rare respiratory diseases. Magallon M, Carrion A, Banuls L, Pellicer D, Castillo S, Bondia S, Navarro-Garcia M, Gonzalez C, Dasi F. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Mar 18;10(6):1268. doi: 10.3390/jcm10061268. PMID: 33803835

Portopulmonary hypertension: prognosis and management in the current treatment era. Results from the REHAP Registry. Lazaro Salvador M, Quezada Loaiza C, Rodriguez Padial L, Barbera J, Lopez-Meseguer M, Lopez-Reyes R, Sala Llinas E, Alcolea S, Blanco I, Escribano Subias P, Marin Gonzalez M, REHAP investigators. Internal Medicine Journal. 2021 Mar;51(3):355-365. doi: 10.1111/imj.14751. PMID: 31943676

Predictors of poor prognosis in healthy, young, individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infections. Espejo-Paeres C, Espliguero RA, Uribarri A, Anton-Huguet B, Romero R, Fernandez-Rozas I, Becerra-Munoz VM, Alfonso-Rodriguez E, Huang J, Ortega-Armas ME, Pepe M, Gonzalez A, Bertolazzi M, Cerrato E, Quezada A, Raposeiras-Roubin S, Vedia O, Feltes-Guzman G, Akin I, Carrero-Fernandez A, Macaya C, Estrada V, Nunez-Gil IJ. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2021 Sep 30;28(2):273-278. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.09.021. PMID: 34600119

Prevalence and 30-Day Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Covid-19 and Prior Lung Diseases. Signes-Costa J, Nunez-Gil I, Soriano J, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Eid C, Romero R, Uribarri A, Fernandez-Rozas I, Aguado M, Becerra-Munoz V, Huang J, Pepe M, Cerrato E, Raposeiras S, Gonzalez A, Franco-Leon F, Wang L, Alfonso E, Ugo F, Garcia-Prieto J, Feltes G, Abumayyaleh M, Espejo-Paeres C, Jativa J, Masjuan A, Macaya C, Carbonell Asins J, Estrada V, HOPE COVID-19 investigators. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2021 Apr;57:13-20. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2020.11.012. PMID: 33423874

Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors effect before and during hospitalization in COVID-19 outcomes: Final analysis of the international HOPE COVID-19 (Health Outcome Predictive Evaluation for COVID-19) registry. Nunez-Gil IJ, Olier I, Feltes G, Viana-Llamas MC, Maroun-Eid C, Romero R, Fernandez-Rozas I, Uribarri A, Becerra-Munoz VM, Alfonso-Rodriguez E, Garcia-Aguado M, Elola J, Castro-Mejia A, Pepe M, Garcia-Prieto JF, Gonzalez A, Ugo F, Cerrato E, Bondia E, Raposeiras-Roubin S, Mendez JL, Espejo C, Lopez-Masjuan A, Marin F, Lopez-Pais J, Abumayyaleh M, Corbi-Pascual M, Liebetrau C, Ramakrishna H, Estrada V, Macaya C, Fernandez-Ortiz A. American Heart Journal. 2021 Jul;237:104-115. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2021.04.001. PMID: 33845032

ROX index as predictor of high flow nasal cannula therapy success in acute respiratory failure due to SARS-CoV-2. Ferrer S, Sancho J, Bocigas I, Bures E, Mora H, Monclou E, Mulet A, Quezada A, Royo P, Signes-Costa J. Respiratory Medicine. 2021 Oct 6;189:106638. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2021.106638. PMID: 34634500

SARS-CoV-2-reactive interferon-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells in patients hospitalized with Coronavirus Disease 2019. Gimenez Quiles E, Albert Vicent E, Torres Fink I, Remigia Pellicer M, Alcaráz Soriana M, Galindo Puerto M, Blasco Cortes M, Solano Vercet C, Forner Giner M, Redón Mas J, Signes-Costa Miñana J, Navarro Ortega D. Journal of Medical Virology. 2021 Jan;93(1):375-382. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26213. PMID: 32579268

Ten-year assessment of a cancer fast-track programme to connect primary care with oncology: reducing time from initial symptoms to diagnosis and treatment initiation. Martinez MT, Monton-Bueno J, Simon S, Ortega B, Moragon S, Rosello S, Insa A, Navarro J, Sanmartin A, Julve A, Buch E, Pena A, Franco J, Martinez-Jabaloyas J, Marco J, Forner MJ, Cano A, Silvestre A, Teruel A, Lluch A, Cervantes A, Chirivella Gonzalez I. ESMO open. 2021 May 11;6(3):100148. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100148. PMID: 33989988

Tracheostomy in patients with COVID-19: predictors and clinical features. Sancho J, Ferrer S, Lahosa C, Posadas T, Bures E, Banuls P, Fernandez-Presa L, Royo P, Blasco M, Signes-Costa J. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2021 Oct;278(10):3911-3919. doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-06555-x. PMID: 33386436

Underlying heart diseases and acute COVID-19 outcomes. Abraham W, Lindenfeld J, Ponikowski P, Agostoni P, Butler J, Desai A, Filippatos G, Gniot J, Fu M, Gullestad L, Howlett J, Nicholls S, Redon J, Schenkenberger I, Silva-Cardoso J, Stork S, Krzysztof Wranicz J, Savarese G, Brueckmann M, Jamal W, Nordaby M, Peil B, Ritter I, Ustyugova A, Zeller C, Salsali A, Anker S. European Heart Journal. 2021;28(2):202-214. doi: 10.5603/CJ.a2020.0183. PMID: 33346365

X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in ~1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19. Asano T, Boisson B, Onodi F, et al. Science immunology. 2021 Aug 19;6(62):eabl4348. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abl4348. PMID: 34413140

Referencia: PI22/01173
Título: El papel del estrés oxidativo y la vía NRF2 en determinar resistencia a quimioinmunoterapia de primera línea en pacientes con cáncer de pulmón no microcitico avanzado KRAS mutado
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Valentina Gambardella
Duración: 2023 – 2025
Presupuesto: 111.320 €
Referencia: GVA-COVID19/2021/028
Título: Efecto de la infección por COVID-19 sobre la longitud del telómero y parámetros de función mitocondrial y su relación con la evolución a fibrosis pulmonar de tipo idiopático
Entidad Financiadora: Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
Investigador principal: Federico Vicente Pallardó Calatayud
Duración: 2021 – 2022
Presupuesto: 62.280 €
Referencia: ICI21/00016
Título: Terapia celular combinada para pacientes COVID-19 de alto riesgo de mortalidad (DECODE-19)
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Bernat Soria Escoms
Duración: 2021 – 2024
Presupuesto: 459.800 €
Referencia: COV20/01209
Título: Cambios en los test de función pulmonar en pacientes con neumonia por CoVid19
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Jaime Signes-Costa
Duración: 2020 – 2021
Presupuesto: 73.500 €
Referencia: PI16/00759
Título: Estudios genómicos de susceptibilidad y gravedad en infección neumocócica en niños y adultos
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Carlos Rodríguez Gallego
Duración: 2017 – 2019
+ Información
Clinical Practice Guideline of Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) on Pharmacological Treatment of Tobacco Dependence 2023. Rabade-Castedo C, de Granda-Orive J, Riesco-Miranda J, De Higes-Martinez E, Ramos-Pinedo A, Cabrera-Cesar E, Signes-Costa Minana J, Garcia Rueda M, Pastor-Espla E, Jimenez-Ruiz C. Archivos de Bronconeumologia. 2023 Oct;59(10):651-661. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2023.07.024. PMID: 37567792

252nd ENMC international workshop: Developing best practice guidelines for management of mouthpiece ventilation in neuromuscular disorders. March 6th to 8th 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Chatwin M, Gonçalves M, Gonzalez-Bermejo J, Toussaint M, ENMC Respiratory Therapy Consortium. Neuromuscular disorders. 2020 Sep;30(9):772-781. doi: 10.1016/j.nmd.2020.07.008. PMID: 32859499

Título: Prevención del tabaquismo en alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria. Modelo de intervención multipersonal sobre alumnos, profesores y padres
Doctorando: Ribera I Osca, Joan Antoni
Director: Martín Moreno, José María; Carrión Valero, Francisco
Fecha: 17/02/2020
Universidad: Universitat de València